French and German companies call for an ambitious revision of EU energy efficiency legislation

BRUSSELS – Senior business representatives from leading French and German companies gathered today to discuss their strategic priorities in the upcoming Energy Efficiency package that the European Commission is expected to present on 30 November. The proposal will include the revision of both the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), two key pieces of legislation on energy efficiency.

Business representatives stressed that a new regulatory framework is needed to incentivise the market uptake of successful business models for energy efficiency. European policy-makers should not miss the opportunity to consider energy efficiency as a strategic investment to drive EU competitiveness, productivity and create local jobs.

Dr Fatih Birol, IEA Executive Director, opened the Franco-German High-Level Conference hosted in Le Hive, Schneider Electric’s global headquarters, and stated: “Energy efficiency is of huge strategic importance in Europe, and close engagement between business and policy makers is essential. The IEA is working globally to support progress on energy efficiency and deliver its social, economic and environmental benefits”.


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Energy efficiency in the “Clean Energy for All” package: an economic opportunity, a societal imperative, a political commitment

To the kind attention of Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

Cc: College of Commissioners

Brussels, 24 November 2016

Dear President,

The business community has high expectations on the ambition of the forthcoming “Clean Energy for All” package. We attribute a strategic importance to this proposal as it will give a political signal to the business, financial and investor community, not only in Europe but at global level as well.

As the representatives of the business sector, we welcome the commitment of the Commission on the ‘Efficiency First principle. We call for this principle to be reflected in the forthcoming proposals for a “Clean Energy for All” package by the European Commission through a 40% EU binding target for energy efficiency and an ambitious revision of key legislations, notably the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

Regulatory certainty is fundamental to providing the private sector with the signals they need to make investment decisions and to incentivize the market to take up of new business models and services for clean energy and energy efficiency. Models such as those presented in our recent publication “Strategic investments for Europe: Evidence from cost-effective energy efficiency stories”.

The current non-binding 27% target barely corresponds to business as usual. Europe must increase the scale and rate required to meet its Paris climate commitments and if we want to secure a cost-effective energy transition, both a binding ambition for energy efficiency and clear long-term vision are needed.

Energy efficiency is not only a business opportunity, it is a societal imperative. Increased competitiveness for European companies will go hand in hand with economic recovery and the creation of local, longterm jobs. By using energy more wisely Europe can significantly reduce the EU’s gas import dependency and reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective way.

The ratification of the Paris agreement was a proud moment for the EU. The European Commission has an opportunity to embody this commitment and show leadership from the highest political level by making efficiency the pillar of the Energy Union strategy in next week’s package.

Thanks for your attention,

Harry Verhaar

Head of Global Public & Government Affairs

Philips Lighting

Alix Chambris

Director of EU public affairs


Didier Teirlinck

Executive Vice President

Ingersoll Rand

Gene Murtagh



Sian Hughes

Director of External Affairs

Knauf Insulation

Bertrand Deprez

Vice President EU Government Affairs

Schneider Electric

Roland Ullmann

Director Industry Affairs – Building Automation


Monica Frassoni


European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)

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The Energy Market Design Initiative is crucial to making or breaking the success of an Energy Union with a forward looking climate policy

Dear Vice-President Šefčovič, Commissioners Arias Cañete and Vestager

The Energy Market Design Initiative is crucial to making or breaking the success of an Energy Union with a forward looking climate policy. It can deliver on multiple EU objectives; a greater focus on consumers and innovation; putting energy efficiency first; becoming a world leader in renewables; and implementing the Paris Agreement.

If we get market design right, Europe as a whole stands to benefit:

  • Energy poverty can be cut if markets are leveraged to enable and incentivise citizensnto save energy, meaning a better deal for families;
  • Energy security and resilience can be boosted if a single energy market effectively aligns national activity with EU policy across the continent;
  • The lock-in of fossil fuel power generation can be avoided if the role of capacity mechanisms and other direct and indirect support for fossil fuels is minimised;
  • Jobs, growth and essential emissions reductions can come to Europe if the deployment of clean renewable technologies such as wind and solar is facilitated;
  • Europe’s innovative digital industries can get the information and business case they need to deliver the energy systems of the future if energy markets transparentlyreflect the full cost of delivering both energy and reliability in real-time.
  • Europe needs faster, more competitive and better connected energy markets to fully integrate the new energy technologies that are needed to drive decarbonisation. A well signalled and transparent evolution of EU energy markets is required.

Starting with the 2030 package, the EU needs markets that deliver affordable, sustainable, and secure energy by:

  • Realizing the potential of cost-effective energy efficiency and demand response as alternatives to generation through unhindered market access for consumers, enhanced access to information, and appropriate remuneration so that people andbusiness reap the benefits of consuming less energy and/or consuming energy more flexibly;
  • Introducing a sustained programme of smart retirement of surplus resources that starts with the dirtiest and least flexible power sources and leads to no coal in the EU by 2030. This is required both to decarbonise the power system and to tackle the problem of excess generation capacity;
  • Regulating and incentivising distribution system operators to act as neutral market facilitators of a more decentralised energy system that, in conjunction with the transparent setting of taxes, fees and network tariffs, strengthens the role of citizensin the production of renewable energy;
  • Balancing of supply and demand across Member States through effective interconnections, regional markets (including completing the coupling of balancingmarkets) and independent, regional system adequacy assessments.

We urge you and your fellow Commissioners to seize the opportunity to deliver an ambitious reform of EU energy markets and put the EU on a course to a brighter, cleaner future.

Yours sincerely,

CECED European committee of domestic equipment manufacturers

Paolo Falcioni, Director-General

Client Earth

Karla Hill, Director of Programmes

Co-operative Energy

Ramsay Dunning, Managing Director

E3G Third Generation Environmentalism

Nick Mabey, Chief Executive


Annette Heslop, Company Secretary/Director

Energy Cities

Claire Roumet, Executive Director

European Alliance to Save Energy

Monica Frassoni, President

ECOS – European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation

Laura Degallaix, Director

European Heat Pump Association

Thomas Nowak, Director

ODE Decentraal

Siward Zomer, Director – European federation of groups and cooperatives of citizens for renewable


Dirk Vansintjan, President

Som Energia Renewable Energy Cooperative

Gijsbert Huijink, Manager

Tipperary Energy Agency

Paul Kenny, Chief Executive Officer

World Future Council

Stefan Schurig, Member of the Executive Board, Director Climate Energy

WWF European Policy Office

Genevieve Pons, Director

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Letter to President Juncker and VP Timmermans: Only a strengthening of both EED and EPBD at the same time will set the right EU regulatory framework

On behalf of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU‐ASE), we are writing to express our full support for the ongoing work of the European Commission on the revision of both the EED and EPBD.

An improved revision of both EED and EPBD would: i) enable citizens and businesses to control energy expenses; ii) reduce gas import dependency; iii) facilitate innovation and competitiveness of EU enterprises; iv) support economic recovery, jobs and growth; v) reduce EU greenhouse emissions in a cost- effective way.

There is no time to waste, now is the right time to present a proposal for a revised EPBD and EED in support of the Energy Union. Only a strengthening of both Directives at the same time will set the right regulatory framework. There is a huge untapped savings potential to be ripped, we cannot afford not to act.

The political prioritization of energy efficiency through a binding EU energy efficiency target at 40% is of utmost importance. We understand that no preferred option was identified by the Impact Assessment regarding the level of the energy savings target and its nature: this means that the final decision on its ambition will be only political, but the message that will derive from this choice will have a direct impact on EU society, business community at large and the financial sector.

An ambitious target must be also accompanied by supporting policies and measures set at EU level, notably to address the untapped potential in the buildings sector. This is why we urge the Commission to revise together both the EED and EPBD.

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Letter to President Juncker: 20 CEOs call for a much more ambitious energy efficiency target for 2030

In the year of delivery of the Energy Union, and seven months after the Paris Agreement, your own personal commitment is crucial to ensure that the EU initiates and implements energy policies able to ensure jobs and growth for our citizens and better market opportunities for industry operating in the EU.

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