
Joint Letter on Water Resilience Initiative

Addressed to the European Commission, the letter emphasises the indispensable need for a water-resilient Europe in light of the escalating pressures on the continent’s freshwater resources, intensified by the impacts of climate change.

Act firmly on energy security – Walk the talk on energy efficiency

Fourty-seven business leaders of European frontrunners on energy efficiency strongly encourage EU policy makers to adopt an ambitious and future-proof Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). In addition to the climate crisis, Europe is facing a severe energy...

Revisione EPBD: Lettera congiunta al Ministro Pichetto

Insieme ad altre cinque associazioni italiane ed europee, EU-ASE ha inviato una lettera aperta al Ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Gilberto Pichetto Fratin per chiedere di rendere la Direttiva sulla prestazione energetica degli edifici (EPBD)...

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