The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) has co-signed a letter urging the EU institutions to adopt an ambitious Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD)! The UWWTD, after three decades of dormancy, makes a step towards a collective commitment to a sustainable and resilient future.

We call the policy-makers upon for:

  • Ensuring coherent rules across the EU without exemptions for selected Member States or regions, avoiding further delays for coastal regions;
  • Maintaining 100,000 p.e. as the threshold for intermediary targets for tertiary and quaternary treatment and ensure that quaternary treatment is installed by 2035;
  • Ensuring a timely introduction of integrated urban wastewater management plans that prioritise green and blue infrastructure to climate-proof cities and reduce pollution from urban wastewaters and runoffs;
  • Setting up an obligation to communicate in real time any information on the risk of pollution that could have an impact on aquaculture farmers, drinking water suppliers and other legitimate users;
  • Establish an obligation to make publicly available the Integrated Urban Wastewater Management Plans and the results of the risk assessments;
  • A return to the Commission’s proposal (as amended by the EP and Council) that the wastewater sector produces renewable energy on or offsite, to be consumed on or offsite that cover by 2040 100% of this sector’s energy consumption, to ensure that the EU reaches climateneutrality by 2050;
  • The new Directive must be a signal and a tool to implement the circular economy for water,
    energy and materials throughout EU territories.

In collaboration with 18 organisations, we call for an ambitious agreement on UWWTD during the upcoming trilogue meeting on 29 January!


Read the full letter here.


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