Revisione EPBD: Lettera congiunta al Ministro Pichetto
Insieme ad altre cinque associazioni italiane ed europee, EU-ASE ha inviato una lettera aperta al Ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Gilberto Pichetto Fratin per chiedere di rendere la Direttiva sulla prestazione energetica degli edifici (EPBD)...
Blocco alla cessione del credito per i bonus edilizi – lettera aperta
EU-ASE si è unita ad associazioni industriali e ambientaliste italiane per chiedere a Governo e Parlamento soluzioni di lungo periodo per mantenere costante l’attuale trend di riqualificazione degli edifici ed i relativi benefici. A seguito della decisione del...
A binding 14,5% energy efficiency target in 2030 for reviving Europe’s economy
Ten EU business organisations join forces in an open letter addressed to the EU negotiators revising the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). Together, we are calling on the European Parliament and the EU Council to agree on setting an EU energy efficiency target fit...
Business and Investor Letter on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Eighteen leading businesses and investors join forces in an open letter addressed to all members of the ITRE committee in the European Parliament in view of the upcoming committee vote on the file, which is scheduled for 9 February. The letter reiterates that...
Think Efficiency first to address the energy and climate crisis
More than 20 organisations join EU-ASE in an open letter addressed to the EU negotiators revising the Energy Efficiency Directive. It calls for an effective implementation of the Energy Efficiency First principle in all of the EU, national and local policy, planning...
Open letter to EU Energy Ministers on the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive
The European Alliance to Save Energy sent a letter addressing the EU-27 energy and climate Ministers, ahead of the Energy Council meeting on 27 June. The Russian military invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated the energy crisis and urged EU governments action to reduce...
MEPS paramount to address high energy prices and achieve the EU decarbonisation goals
Business organisations call for the introduction of mandatory Minimum Energy Performance Standards for the renovation of the buildings sector in the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Today, together with major business organisations advocating...
Key energy stakeholders call for an ambitious revision of the EPBD
Together with 12 leading energy associations, the European Alliance to Save Energy calls on the European Commission to boost the decarbonisation of the EU building stock through an ambitious revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Buildings are a...
Open letter: EU Taxonomy should recognise key role to increase energy efficiency of electrical and industrial solutions
In response to the Platform on Sustainable Finance’s consultation on preliminary recommendations for technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomy, the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) addressed in an open letter the European Commission asking to...
Wide coalition of stakeholders spells out expectations on “Fit for 55” package
Ahead of the European Council’s discussion on 25 May about the new climate and energy legislation (so called Fit for 55 Package), EU-ASE joined with European businesses, investor groups, local and regional authorities and NGOs calling upon EU decision makers to ensure...