Op-ed: The pathway to sustainable cooling

Jürgen Fischer, President, Danfoss Cooling

Jürgen has broad leadership experience from global industrial companies within IT, telecommunication, and machine-building. He is passionate about the digital transformation in the cooling sector and constantly challenges innovation to leverage e.g. the potential of energy storage across Danfoss. In 2008, Jürgen joined Danfoss as Vice President for Industrial Automation, and since 2015, Jürgen Fischer has been President of Danfoss Cooling.

Jürgen holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Augsburg. In addition, he holds several degrees from executive education programs at INSEAD and IMD.

As the global temperature rises, sustainable space cooling solutions are more important than ever. The IEA Future of Cooling report estimates that the energy demand for air conditioners is expected to triple by 2050; leading to a space cooling energy growth of 30% in Europe by 2050. The increase in demand for space cooling can put severe pressure on the power grid and challenges to achieve the Paris agreement goals if nothing is done, warns the IEA.

Luckily, the report also estimates a saving potential for today’s space cooling by 50%. If we use the best available technology, we will secure cooling that is both sustainable and provides comfort for millions of citizens.

Success hangs on how quickly we can deploy this technology at scale. Five key areas can make a difference and help the EU Commission delivering actions of the “A Clean Planet for All” strategy:

  1. Roll-out appropriate energy standards and labelling schemes

Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) are the easiest and most efficient way to ensure that only energy efficient cooling devices are placed on the market. The roll-out of labelling schemes across the globe ensures that we use cost-effective technologies. This reduces the total cost of ownership for the devices and benefits of the end-users. However, the use of MEPS needs to be combined with strong market surveillance and enforcement to realize its full potential and ensure all stakeholders are complying with the same rules.

  1. Implement a system approach and secure maintenance of energy efficiency over time

Cooling systems need constant maintenance to ensure that they deliver the promised energy savings over time. According to the European Commission, 75% to 90% of the EU building stock is inefficient. But only 1% of it is renovated each year. There are two priorities for policy makers: one is to accelerate the retrofit of existing buildings and their cooling systems and the other is to improve their maintenance routines over time. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) goes into the right direction and addresses these two priorities. The stronger focus on the renovation of the existing buildings, e.g. via the long-term renovation strategies and on the optimization of technical buildings systems, such as cooling, heating and ventilation systems are identified. The next critical step is to ensure a good implementation of the EPBD at national level.

  1. Combining heating and cooling with renewable energy

With today’s technology we can use supermarkets as giant batteries which allows us to store fluctuating renewable energy sources and balance the energy system. Is heating the future of sustainable cooling? Using excess heat coming from cooling applications, i.e. in supermarkets, we can re-use it to heat our water or warm up our buildings — saving energy and money and reducing the pressure on our energy systems. We need to break down silos to unleash the benefits derived from connectivity across sectors.

  1. Leverage the potential of district cooling

In a district cooling system chilled water is being used to cool down buildings and therefore save energy. Copenhagen is a great example, where a district cooling system was established to service hospitals, office buildings, and schools. The result was win-win, with CO2 emissions reduced by about 65% and consumer savings of 80% on energy costs. Looking at the benefits, it is essential to unlock its full potential with new heating and cooling renewable targets. The new national energy and climate plans must be adopted according to the new Governance Regulation on the Energy Union.

  1. Build a framework for the development of new business models

To unlock the full potential of energy efficiency and meet the future energy demand, we need to enable new business models and demand-side management. Energy storage is the key to unlocking flexibility in our energy systems, which can ultimately turn energy consumers into prosumers. We need policies to encourage the re-use of heat that would otherwise be released into the air.

Together we can deliver “A Clean Planet for all”

Looking at today’s best available technology, the next step needs to be the implementation of ambitious legislation and regulations to increase energy efficiency across sectors. The industry is ready and, together with policymakers and governments, we can unlock the full potential of energy efficiency and open the pathway for a lower energy demand. Let’s join hands across sectors and work towards a cooled and environmental-friendly future together.

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Three leading companies join the European Alliance to Save Energy to unlock the energy efficiency potential of the energy-water nexus

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) is very pleased to welcome Nalco Water – an ECOLAB Company, Orbital Systems, and Xylem Inc.  among its current group of industrial members.

The drinking and waste water sector is a high energy consumer, yet none of the water-related directives in the EU – the Water Framework Directive, the Drinking Water Directive, and the Urban Waste-Water Treatment Directive –covers energy efficiency. Nonetheless, a broad range of solutions are available to reduce energy consumption across the EU water value chain. According to the IEA World Energy Outlook[1], with the right set of water policy measures, global energy savings of 270 TWh by 2040 are possible. This is achievable with today technologies and know-how and could free valuable resources for the needed investments in water infrastructure in the short, medium or long-terms.

Monica Frassoni, President, EU-ASE: “Energy efficiency is a key driver to a carbon neutral economy by 2050 and there is huge energy efficiency potential across industrial sectors, regions and cities. In the water sector, by saving water, one also saves energy and this is why we have decided to create a dedicated water working group within the Alliance. Our current and new members will work together on the water energy-nexus which has been overlooked in current regulatory framework. We want to make sure that policy makers understand the win-win situation and the need to integrate an energy efficiency dimension across the EU water policies and legislation”. 

David Martin, VP Marketing, Europe & MEA, Nalco Water:Nalco Water, an ECOLAB Company, is pleased to join progressive partners to promote energy efficient solutions and unlock the potential of the energy-water nexus. Together, we can make energy efficiency a priority in EU water legislation and promote water efficiency as a natural solution to achieve energy savings. Because what’s good for Water is good for Business.

Simon Goldschmidt, Chief Commercial Officer, Orbital Systems:We are very pleased to join the EU-ASE. This strategic membership will hopefully help us to create a paradigm shift in daily water usage and speed up the market uptake of our innovative domestic water saving solution.”

Alexis de Kerchove, Vertical Marketing Manager, Water Utilities, Xylem Europe:Xylem is looking forward to building a strong and active water group with the EU-ASE to strengthen innovative positions on water policies and demonstrate how efficient technologies and smart solutions can benefit the water sector in its current challenges through the optimization of energy use.

[1] IEA, World Energy Outlook 2016

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Cross-sectoral alliance of businesses support strong climate-proof ERDF and Cohesion Fund to leverage the necessary private investments to deliver the Paris Agreement.

Dear Members of the REGI Committee,

I am writing to you on behalf of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE). EU-ASE is a multi-sectoral business organisation whose members operate across the 28 Member States of the European Union, with an aggregated annual turnover of €115 bn, directly employing 340.000 people in Europe.

The Multi Annual Financial Framework (MFF) post 2020 is a unique opportunity for the EU to demonstrate coherence with its long-term energy and climate objectives and show commitment to deliver tangible benefits to European citizens. Our businesses see the MFF as a necessary trigger for outlining the much-needed long term political direction for mobilizing private investments towards a decarbonized European economy. Public EU funds alone are not sufficient to finance the energy transition and alone cannot address the urgent call from IPCC scientists to limit temperature increase to 1.5°C[1] and decarbonise our economy by 2050 at the latest.

According to a recent report of the European Commission, the EU budget contribution to mitigation finance covers as little as 5-7% of the total resource required[2]. However, the EU budget has an important leveraging role to play in attracting private investments necessary to fill the gap. The investments in clean technologies, and in particular in cost-efficient energy efficiency projects, will only get unlocked if the EU provides long term certainty to the private sector.

Our position papers “A climate-proof  budget to drive the EU clean energy transition to a low carbon economy” (released in March 2018) and a “A climate-proof budget to leverage the necessary investments to deliver the Paris Agreement (released in November 2018) outline in greater detail our views and call for a full application of the Energy Efficiency First principle, increased climate mainstreaming and improved climate proofing.

With specific regard to the ERDF and Cohesion Fund, which are currently discussed in the REGI Committee and should be voted next February, we strongly believe the Regulation must:

  • Increase to 40% the overall target of expenditure supporting climate objectives. Such increase is necessary taking into account the magnitude of the climate change challenge and the level of support required to achieve the EU climate and Paris Agreement objectives.
  • Prioritize investments in energy efficiency and promote the integral energy saving technological uptake (both on the energy demand and supply sides) in sectors with high potential. To prioritize energy efficiency investments, ERDF and Cohesion Fund Regulation should fully apply the Energy Efficiency First principle and therefore embed the principle to first assess the economic opportunity to reduce consumption through cost effective energy efficiency solutions before investing in sustainable new supply capacity. In our view, all investment decisions in the field of energy and climate change must be guided by long term decarbonisation objectives. Public resources should be spent in an intelligent, efficient and effective way, with attention to a just transition and on priorities with the highest economic, societal and environmental value. It does not make economic and environmental sense to invest in new fossil fuels infrastructures and misuse public resources that could lead to the creation of stranded assets.
  • Ensure strategic alignment with the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) which are set to outline Member States’ strategies and the necessary financial resources to implement the new energy efficiency framework for 2030 (EPBD and EED) and unlock the growth and job potential of these important directives.
  • Include a clear link between investments and the EU’s sustainability taxonomy. This is the right approach – already adopted by the Parliament for the InvestEU programme – and should be embedded across all EU funding instruments post 2020.
  • Support investments in projects that at least comply with the minimum legislative requirements. For example, in the building sector, ERDF and CF resource should be used only for energy efficiency improvements that are aligned with – or go beyond, in case of new build projects – the minimum energy performance requirements for buildings.

Dear Members, ahead of the vote in February, we urge you to support an ERDF and Cohesion Fund Regulation which considers our views and envisages a much smarter, carbon emission neutral,  energy and resource efficient society.

We remain at your disposal for further discussion on this strategic topic.

Yours sincerely,

Harry Verhaar

[1] Global Warming of 1.5°C https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/

[2] Climate Mainstreaming in the EU Budget: preparing for the next MFF. European Commission, Directorate General for Climate Action, https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/1df19257-aef9-11e7-837e01aa75ed71a1/language-en

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At COP24, President underlines that Energy Efficiency comes first, but needs to work in synergy

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni took part to the EU Energy Day, a long-day session organised by the European Commission on the framework of COP24 in Katowice, where she participated in the panel “Renewables, decentralisation and democracy: transforming energy systems”.

One of the very few energy efficiency voices present in the panel, during her intervention Frassoni underlined that Energy Efficiency First must indeed be central to all future planning, but that it needs to work in synergy with other actors of the energy transition, with especial emphasis on renewables. Citizens, which are at the heart of the change, must be included as active participants in the climate and energy discussions, she said.

After her intervention at the panel, Monica was interviewed by EU-ASE Member Danfoss on the back seat of a Tesla car. On this innovative, different setting, she addressed the untapped potential of energy efficiency and said it is “the golden bullet in our hands”.

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WGBC: A guide to healthier homes and a healthier planet

The World Green Building Council launched a new guide to creating healthier homes that in turn, are healthier for the planet. The guide takes a combination of the latest research into air quality, thermal and acoustic comfort and lighting and translates it into simple, low-cost and practical strategies to make the home environment healthier for both people and planet. The world’s buildings have a direct impact both on the environment and on personal health and wellbeing, as well as having huge financial implications to owners and occupiers.

On average we spend 90% of our time indoors1, so the quality of the air we breathe can make a big impact on our health. More than half of the body’s air intake during a lifetime is inhaled in the home2.  However, for 92% of us, the air around our homes is not safe to breathe3 and is linked to a range of health hazards.

Poor insulation and construction of buildings is often the cause of low energy efficiency and can compromise the occupant’s comfort and health. Around 65% of Europeans living in major urban areas are exposed to dangerously high levels of noise pollution4. This can lead to health issues such as stress, high blood pressure, hypertension and strokes4.


One study about living in a dark home found health worsened by 50% with headaches, insomnia and depression amongst other reported negative health impacts5.  Therefore, good quality light, daylight when possible, is essential for a healthy life. Natural lighting is also an important energy reduction strategy in the home.

Patty Fong, Director for Buildings and Urban Systems, European Climate Foundation said: “This guide makes an important contribution to raising awareness around how the quality of our homes can negatively affect our health and productivity. By making the recommended improvements, we can make our living space healthier while also contributing to climate change mitigation.”


  1. Klepeis, N, Nelson, W, Ott, W et al. 2001. ‘The National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS). A Resource for Assessing Exposure to Environmental Pollutants’ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.https://indoor.lbl.gov/sites/all/files/lbnl-47713.pdf.
  2. Sundell, J. 2014. ‘On the history of indoor air quality and health’ Indoor Air. 2004;14 Suppl 7:51-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15330772.
  3. World Health Organisation. Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health. http://www.who.int/phe/infographics/breathe-life/en/Health issues such as stress
  4. Münzel, T., Gori, T., Babisch, W. and Basner, M. (2014) Cardiovascular effects of environmental noise exposure. European Heart Journal. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehu030) from European Commission study ‘Science for Environment Policy’ Thematic Issue: Noise impacts on Health January 2015, Issue 47. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3971384/.
  5. Velux. 2017. Healthy Homes Barometer. https://www.velux.com/health/healthy-homes-barometer-201


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