“Un Manifesto per l’European Alliance to Save Energy: l’efficienza energetica – la fonte energetica europea inutilizzata”

Mai come oggi il risparmio energetico è stato così importante. Una maggiore efficienza energetica è la soluzione meno costosa, più veloce, sicura, facile e pulita per garantire la sicurezza energetica e climatica. E’ un settore in cui l’industria europea è all’avanguardia ed in cui il giusto equilibrio di decisioni politiche e scelte economiche può incrementare e proteggere la competitività dell’Europa. Le nostre imprese possono beneficiare della necessità ormai globale di maggiore efficienza energetica, sempre più cruciale in un mondo con risorse limitate.

L’Europa é ad una svolta: rompere la dipendenza dai combustibili fossili attraverso un’offensiva contro lo spreco di energia utilizzando l’enorme potenziale rappresentato dall’efficienza energetica oppure non prendere le decisioni necessarie e lasciarci vulnerabili ai rialzi dei prezzi, alle turbolenze politiche ed alle tecnologie obsolete.

Senza impegni vincolanti per una maggiore efficienza energetica entro il 2020 e una visione chiara di lungo periodo in favore di un’economia basata sull’efficienza energetica, l’Europa è destinata ad essere molto vulnerabile.

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“A Manifesto for the European Alliance to Save Energy: Energy Efficiency – Europe’s untapped energy resource”

Never before has the case for greater energy savings been so strong. Greater energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest, safest, easiest and cleanest way to deliver climate and energy security. It is an area where businesses active in Europe excel and where the right mix of policy and business leadership can improve and protect Europe’s competitiveness. This leadership could position our enterprises to benefit from the global necessity for energy efficiency which will be critical in a resource constrained world.

Europe is at a turning point; whether to launch a determined offensive on wasted energy and to tap into the huge energy saving potential and, in doing so, breaking our addiction to fossil fuels, or to fail to take the necessary measures and leave Europe vulnerable to price shocks, political turmoil and risky energy technologies. With no binding commitment to energy efficiency for 2020 and no clear long term vision for an energy efficient economy, Europe is currently on track to remain highly vulnerable.



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“The EU’s Energy Efficiency Plan raises concerns among a new Alliance of business, civil society and political leaders”

Brussels, March 8, 2011: Today the European Commission published its much awaited Plan for Energy Efficiency; a new plan that aspires to put the EU back on track with its energy efficiency objectives.

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), a newly formed alliance of some of Europe’s prominent energy efficiency advocates including business leaders, politicians and campaigners, raises concerns on the absence of a commitment to binding targets and to any new legislation in the plan.

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