Unlocking the Superpower of Buildings

“The relatively simple act of renovating residential homes with proper insulation would result in a 44% reduction in the amount of natural gas used for heating. Th​is is​ not only a substantial decrease in energy consumption, it​ i​s also a big decrease in associated carbon emissions — This is​ the superpower of buildings” says David Ducarme of Knauf Insulation in Foresight Climate & Energy, ahead of the second edition of European Energy Efficiency Day.

Europe’s built environment is the single largest consumer of energy. It is also one of the largest emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2)​. But while the building stock’s carbon footprint may be big, it also has a superpower that can be unlocked using energy-efficient renovations.

For energy efficiency to be more than an after thought, it needs to be viewed as another element in the power mix. According to calculations by the Buildings Performance Institute of Europe (BPIE), the relatively simple act of renovating residential homes with proper insulation would result in a 44% reduction in the amount of natural gas used for heating.

This is not only a substantial decrease in energy consumption, it is also a big decrease in associated carbon emissions—a decrease that would help put Europe on track to becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent.  

This is the superpower of buildings. 

But unlocking this power requires policies that deliver energy efficiency, which is why the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) could not be timelier 


Read the full article on Foresight Climate & Energy.

More information on Energy Efficiency Day here & Register here.

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All hands-on deck: Mobilizing the EU’s cohesion policy to unlock Europe’s cities and regions’ potential to save energy (Event)

On 29 June 2023, the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) and Regione Lombardia hosted a half-day event aimed at building forward-looking partnerships between regions & business on energy efficiency. The event took place on 29 June, 10:00 – 13:45 CET (including a light lunch).

Reducing energy need is one of our greatest tools to decarbonize and optimize our energy system to accelerate the integration of renewables, phase out fossil fuels and achieve the EU’s medium (2030) and long term (2050) energy and climate objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is also one of our most effective defenses to abate the impact of high energy bills for European households and businesses.

It is in Europe’s cities and regions where much of the necessary climate action can and needs to take place. This is why the at least 30% of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 37% of the EU’s Cohesion Fund is dedicated to climate action, aligning with 2030 and 2050 energy and climate objectives. Energy efficiency, and achieving at least 30% in improvements, is a key priority for these funds, with significant financial support available to regions and local authorities for efficiency projects in key sectors: from public buildings and social housing to industrial plants and supporting local businesses.

Spent well, the funds will be a powerful lever to stimulate long-term private investment and build a solid skill base in Europe’s regions, but to realize the potential we need all hands on deck.

This half-day event:

  • United Europe’s regions and businesses, along with key representatives from the European Institutions, to look at how the EU’s Cohesion policy can be leveraged to support energy efficiency projects across Europe’s regions. 
  • Provided a platform for regions to share successful experiences and shed light on some of the challenges at regional level. 
  • Enabled Europe’s businesses and leading energy efficiency solution providers to demystify some of the technologies available for qualitative and quantitative savings, monitoring and measurement. 
  • Created a positive platform to connect the business community and regional actors and create new long-term partnerships to accelerate Cohesion supported energy efficiency projects at regional level. 

We learned that:

  • The EU has a solid regulatory framework for energy efficiency in Europe – we need now to go into this toolbox and collectively put everything we can into energy efficiency.
  • “Money is not the problem” – never before has there been so much support and funding at EU and local level for energy efficiency.
  • Public authorities need support to be able to help deliver energy efficiency in the regions – we need to work together to boost skills, provide technical assistance, develop public private partnerships and value chains around the renovation wave.
  • Measurement is absolutely key – both in terms of ensuring that we are delivering the potential and to build trust.
  • The solutions already exist and are ready “off the shelves”, businesses are ready to support local and regional authorities to address the challenges and to find the best technical solutions to their specific needs.
  • Regions are committed and are already planning many initiatives to deliver energy efficiency in buildings and in industrial processes. There are some very promising results in terms of improvements in performance, but some challenges still need to be addressed to improve the quality and quantity of expenditure. 

Event speakers:

  • Opening remarks: Raffaele Cattaneo, Undersecretary for International and EU Affairs, Regione Lombardia 
  • Personal video address: Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms
  • Paula Pinho, Director, Directorate-General ENERGY, European Commission
  • Nicola de Michelis, Director Smart & Sustainable Growth, Programme Implementation, DG REGIO 
  • Valentina Sachero, Implementation of Regional & European Measures on Energy, Environmental & Climate Programming, Regional Ministry for Environment & Climate, Regione Lombardia
  • Quentin Galland, Group Public & Regulatory Affairs Director, Knauf Insulation
  • Mario Giordano, Head of Public & Government Affairs in Italy; Head of Project Specification, Signify
  • Andrea Voigt, Head of Global Public Affairs, Danfoss Climate Solutions 
  • Caroline Simpson, Renovate Europe Campaign Manager

View full agenda here

Watch the opening remarks by the Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms.

Watch the full event video.

How are DG REGIO & DG ENER working together to ensure EU Member States understand the opportunities to deliver energy efficiency projects using EU funding?

How does DG REGIO intend to further boost energy efficiency projects in the regions through Cohesion Funding in the next period?

What kind of funds are available for regions to support energy efficiency projects?

Which are the energy efficiency technologies that can be implemented by regions to support the energy transition and how can we monitor them?

How does DG REGIO intend to further boost energy efficiency projects in the regions through Cohesion Funding in the next period?

What kind of funds are available for regions to support energy efficiency projects?

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The Net Zero Industry Act: The clean tech race is one Europe can win if it invests in Energy Efficiency First

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) recognizes the need for a systemic change in Europe’s industrial policy to address the climate and energy challenge while keeping Europe’s economies more competitive. In it’s urgency the Commission has overlooked a sector that is truly crucial for Europe to reach net-zero by 2050: the energy efficiency sector.

On 16 March, the European Commission tabled its Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), outlining a plan to scale up manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU to make sure the Union is well-equipped for the clean energy transition.  

In the words of European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen: “It will create the best conditions for those sectors that are crucial for us to reach net zero by 2050: technologies like wind turbines, heat pumps, solar panels, renewable hydrogen as well as CO2 storage” (1).

As the representatives of some of Europe’s leading manufacturers of energy efficiency solutions and services, the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) fully recognizes the need for a systemic change in Europe’s industrial policy to address the climate and energy challenge while keeping Europe’s economies more competitive. 

Our members have a solid and growing manufacturing footprint in Europe – they want and need to be able to rely on a future industrial framework that is accessible, stable and competitive and that drives innovation and new sustainable business models. The Net Zero Industry Act is a necessary and welcome initiative. We also recognize the urgency of the challenge, as well as the need for proposals from the European Commission.

However, in its urgency the Commission has overlooked a sector that is truly crucial for Europe to reach net-zero by 2050: the energy efficiency sector.

Read our full statement here.


Bibliography: (1) Net-Zero Industry Act: Making the EU the home of clean technologies manufacturing and green jobs: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/

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EU-ASE at Energies at the crossroad: EU and Eurasian Countries in Dialogue

On Monday 26 June 2023, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at “Energies at the crossroad: EU and Eurasian Countries in Dialogue.”

Organised by Green Energy Management (GEM) – Silkway Summer School, the event aimed to draw reflections on the energy transition, which is a topic of public concern that affects cultures and societies at the global level.

The aim of GEM-SILKWAY CENTRA ASIA is to adopt a cross-cultural perspective in analysing the meaning of concepts like sustainability and human development.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni discussed the green transition and energy efficiency legislation in the EU.

View the full programme here.

Find more information about the event here.


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EU-ASE at EUSEW 2023: The role of competitive clean energy technologies to implement climate targets for 2030.

On Thursday 22 June 2023, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2023 (EUSEW) event titled “The role of competitive clean energy technologies to implement climate targets for 2030”.

Discussion revolved around the significance of energy efficiency for the EU`s climate goals, industrial and economic competitiveness and resilience to polycrises.

Monica stated: “The proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act, unfortunately, has a very insufficient attention to Energy Efficiency First principle and the need to reduce energy demand.”

Find more information about EUSEW here.


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