Businesses welcome new EIB Energy Lending Policy

We think that the postponement of one year of the phasing out of investments in fossil fuel energy projects is a long time, because the risk to lock in investments in infrastructures that are not compliant with the Paris Agreement is still there. Now it is up to industry, local authorities and civil society organisations promote energy efficiency projects and demonstrate they are a viable and more profitable options than fossil fuels projects. 

We are committed  to work with the EIB and help delivering the 2030 energy efficiency target. The Building Renovation Initiative is a very good opportunity to cooperate in an area with high energy efficiency potential. We must work together and promote projects aggregation, targeted financial support, new business model and technical assistance, in order to increase the annual building renovation rate to 3%.


Monica Frassoni, President, European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)

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Third FR-DE Energy Efficiency Business Forum


The third edition of the Franco-German Energy Efficiency Business Forum, co-organized by EU-ASE, DENEFF and OFATE, took place on 8th November at the Ministry for Ecological Transition in Paris.

The event gathered a cross-sectoral group of businesses and Government representatives from France and Germany to discuss how accelerating energy efficiency through financing, decentralisation and digitalisation. The event was an opportunity to highlight the importance of Franco-German cooperation for both greater ambition in the implementation of the existing energy efficiency regulatory framework and for the European Green Deal.
The event stressed out that energy efficiency is a growth agenda and key enabler for decarbonizing the economy for France, Germany, and the European Union.

The forum attracted more than 50 high level participants. Please see the final agenda here.

In a joint statement following the event, Harry Verhaar, chairman of the European Alliance to Save Energy, said “Policy choices made by governments will determine the shape of the energy system of the future. If we want to achieve a climate neutral economy by 2050, we need to put the energy efficiency first principle at the heart of the transition. Changing how we construct, light, heat and cool our buildings will trigger positive change in many sectors, including energy and heavy industry, but also in sectors which at first sight may seem less connected, such as health and education. In the decade of climate action, the Franco-German partnership could lead by example, starting by committing to make all of their buildings net-zero by 2030 at the latest.” 

Read the full joint statement here.

Download Brian Motherway’s IEA presentation here


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CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS PACKAGE: achievements, implications for implementation, where do we go from here?

The clean energy transition is taking on a new dynamic in Europe and worldwide. The “Energy efficiency first” principle and renewables are at the center of this transformation process. This requires strong implementation of existing policies, and new legislative measures to align with the increased ambition as proposed by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

This interactive seminar brought together stakeholders, NGOs, Commission officers, MEPs and staff to examine the achievements of the last mandate, implications for implementation and monitoring and next steps.
The energy transition must create opportunities for sustainable growth and jobs, a Just Transition for workers and communities, increase the competitiveness of European businesses and deliver tangible and sustainable benefits for all citizens and our environment.

The seminar was organised at the European Parliament, in collaboration between MEPs Theresa Griffin (S&D, UK), Seán Kelly (EPP, Ireland) and the European Alliance to Save Energy.

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Support for EIB 2020 Pledge to stop fossil energy lending

Dear President,
Dear Vice Presidents,
Dear Members of the Board,

As representatives of the investment, business and scientific communities, we believe
we are facing a climate emergency with devastating consequences for the planet and livelihood
of all citizens. 2020 is a “Super Year” for international policy action. It is the 75th anniversary
of the United Nations. It is the first real opportunity for nations and financial institutions to
increase climate ambition and meet 2050 net-zero goals.

This decade must be a turning point, the moment when the world bends the curve, averts impending climate and biodiversity disasters and opts instead to embark on the fastest economic transformation in our history. We therefore believe that financial institutions and businesses must align their operations with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and shift capital away from high- carbon investments by2020. As such, we applaud the great leadership of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and its Management Committee in publishing a more ambitious draft energy lending policy in July 2019 and welcome the recognition that net-zero emissions are necessary to stay within 1.5 degrees of global warming.

Your aspiration to “stop lending to fossil-fuel energy projects by the end of 2020” and focus on the “energy efficiency first principle”, renewable energy and the necessity to support a “just transition” for workers in high-carbon sectors, has sent an important signal to financial markets and institutions across the globe. Your progressive leadership will set an historical example, and we will work to ensure that other institutions like yours follow by making similar immediate-term commitments to a sustainable future.

If the EIB is to become a genuine climate bank and play a pivotal role in a European Green Deal, and in European lending policy across all financial institutions, then it must not subsidise fossil fuel projects whose lifetimes are likely to extend into the second half of this century.
We hope and expect that the EIB will deliver on its plans and swiftly confirm this level of ambition in its policy, in support of the goal of climate neutrality as the target for all future investment decisions of the EIB.

This is a unique opportunity for the EIB – the EU Bank – to help avert climate breakdown, by putting itself at the heart of Europe’s transition to a fossil-free economy and show real leadership.

The signatories of this letter assure you of their support in the phase-out of public lending to fossil fuel projects and the shift to low-carbon public and private investments.

We offer our assistance to the EIB in implementing the 2020 deadline and will work with other financial institutions to ensure they follow your lead.

Our sincere regards,

The Club of Rome
AQAL Group
Equality Moonshot
European Alliance to Save Energy
FORUM Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
GLS Bank
TBLI Group
WAM Wermuth Asset Management
WBGU Germany Advisory Council on Global Change
We Mean Business


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Energy Efficiency and renewables working in synergy to reach climate neutrality by 2050

In the transition towards a new decarbonised energy system, it is clear that we cannot continue to look at climate challenges in isolation. We need a system-wide approach in which energy efficiency improvements make it easier to increase the share of renewables in the final energy mix, and vice versa. With energy efficiency and renewable energy working together, the decarbonisation of our economy will go much faster and at a lower cost. Energy efficiency and renewable energy can bring about more than 90% of the energy-related CO2 emission reductions needed to meet Paris Agreement targets.


In this context and to provide inputs to policy and decision makers ahead of a new EU institutional cycle, the European Alliance to Save Energy and the partners of the Interreg MED EU co-funded project COMPOSE organised a policy debate to reflect upon the synergies between energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
The policy debate was followed by presentations of concrete projects showcasing how combined and mutually reinforcing actions on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources impact on the EU long-term decarbonisation objectives.

The presentations given during the event can be downloaded from the following links:

Climate change. Where do we stand? Why should we care?
Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, University of Ljubljana – IPCC Nobel Peace Prize Winner

For a human, fair and desirable Energy Transition
Marie-Maud Gerard, Energy Project Manager, GERES,Group for the environment, renewable energy and solidarity

Sustainable Development & Respective Initiatives in Rethymno Municipality
Theopisti Birliraki, Municipal Councilor of Tourism, Municipality of Rethymno

Energy Transition: from global necessity to local opportunity. The COMPOSE model and decision support toolbox
Stavroula Tournaki, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Lab, Technical University of Crete

Energy communities: empowering citizen ownership of renewable and energy efficiency projects
Josh Roberts, Advocacy officer,

Highly insulated buildings as an indispensable element for smart cities, grid balancing and potential storage for renewable sources of energy
Lorenzo Pagliano, Professor, Director of end-use Efficiency Research Group (eERG), Politecnico of Milan

Smart building infrastructure enables synergy between renewables & efficiency: an example from the greenest shopping center in Europe
Elisa Gastaldi, Senior Director EU Affairs, Siemens

Project Zero: how Sønderborg will go C02 neutral by 2029 through energy efficiency, renewables and the transformation to a smart energy system
Susanne Tull, Senior Manager Public Affairs, Danfoss

Smart microgrids and smart building automation systems working hand for enhanced EE & RES integration – the example of Finland’s Largest Industrial Microgrid
Jules Cordillot, EU Government Affairs Officer, Schneider Electric

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