Blocco alla cessione del credito per i bonus edilizi – lettera aperta

EU-ASE si è unita ad associazioni industriali e ambientaliste italiane per chiedere a Governo e Parlamento soluzioni di lungo periodo per mantenere costante l’attuale trend di riqualificazione degli edifici ed i relativi benefici.

A seguito della decisione del Governo, contenuta nel decreto-legge 16 febbraio 2023, n.11 riguardante il blocco di ogni tipo di cessione del credito e sconto in fattura per gli interventi di riqualificazione degli edifici, EU-ASE, FIVRA, Coordinamento FREE, Kyoto Club e Legambiente esprimono preoccupazione per le prospettive per il settore dell’edilizia e per il rispetto degli impegni internazionali presi per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente.

Scarica qui la comunicazione inviata a Governo e Parlamento.

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Committee vote on Energy Performance of Buildings Directive leaves glass half empty

Among the positive elements, the compromise confirms and strengthens the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for buildings. Compared to the Commission’s proposal, it mandates renovations aimed at reaching the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) classes E and D (instead of F and E) within the given timelines (2030 and 2033 for residential buildings respectively). 

However, the report introduces a disappointing derogation, providing Member States with the option of delaying the renovation of up to 22% of their most inefficient residential buildings and public social housing until January 2037. 

For new buildings, MEPs anticipated the timeline for all new buildings to be Zero-Emission Buildings, starting from those occupied, operated or owned by public authorities, by January 2026. 

Member states are requested to phase out the use of fossil fuels for heating in buildings, with a ban on financial incentives for fossil fuel boilers from 1 January 2024. At the same time, the Parliament added an exemption for hybrid heating systems which could undermine such a ban. 

Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), said: 

Making our building stock energy efficient and renewables-powered is the right way to go to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels as soon as possible. The adoption of the report by MEP Ciaran Cuffe is an important step for Europe’s climate action. However, the compromise is not as ambitious as required by the challenge ahead; as a consequence, channelling adequate resources and investments could prove more difficult. Despite this, we encourage the Parliament to confirm its commitment ahead of the plenary vote and to show leadership in view of the negotiations with the Council.” 

The ongoing energy crisis has shown the importance of initiating a massive renovation wave of Europe’s buildings to reduce consumers’ energy bills, alleviate energy poverty and decrease the EU’s dependence on fossil fuel imports while contributing to reaching its climate goals by 2030 and 2050.  

The EPBD is a crucial element to make the EU building stock efficient, sustainable and healthy. From a socio-economic perspective, an ambitious EPBD is a driver for sustainable growth and job creation in the construction sector, one of the most dynamic of our economy. 

Read the full press release here.


Media contact:
Luigi Petito 
Head of Secretariat 

About us
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) is a cross-sectoral, business-led organisation that ensures that the voice of energy efficiency is heard across Europe. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

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A binding 14,5% energy efficiency target in 2030 for reviving Europe’s economy

Ten EU business organisations join forces in an open letter addressed to the EU negotiators revising the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). Together, we are calling on the European Parliament and the EU Council to agree on setting an EU energy efficiency target fit for Europe’s climate goals, while ensuring sustainable economic growth and local job creation during this decade.

In June 2021, the European Commission proposed to revise the EED as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative package to cut GHG emissions by at least -55%  by 2030. The Commission’s proposal for a recast EED includes higher and binding targets for reducing EU primary and final energy consumption by 2030. These targets would be reinforced by a benchmarking system for Member States to set their national indicative contributions to this binding EU target. Since then, the European Parliament and the Council adopted their respective positions.

Trilogue negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council are still ongoing, notably on the level and the nature of the 2030 target for energy efficiency.

Read the full letter here

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EU-ASE at Kyoto Club webinar: EU updates and the EPBD & EED directives.

On Tuesday 31 January, EU-ASE Policy and Advocacy Advisor Matteo Guidi spoke at the second webinar of the new cycle of the Legambiente and Kyoto Club’s “For decarbonisation: energy efficiency and heating in buildings in Italy” awareness campaign.

The webinar titled: EU updates and the EPBD and EED directives aims to build on a campaign to stop the spread of residential heating systems powered by fossil fuels and to raise awareness among the public, companies and public decision-makers by proposing amendment proposals to current Italian and European legislation.

Speakers included:

  • Matteo Guidi, Policy and Advocacy Advisor – European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)
  • Davide Sabbadin, Deputy Policy Manager for Climate – European Environmentale Bureau
  • Eva Brardinelli, Buildings Policy Coordinator – Climate Action Network Europe
  • Marco Grippa, Program Manager – Environmental Coalition on Standards
  • Introduction and moderation: Clementina Taliento, Kyoto Club

View more information about the webinar and campaign here.


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Business and Investor Letter on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Eighteen leading businesses and investors join forces in an open letter addressed to all members of the ITRE committee in the European Parliament in view of the upcoming committee vote on the file, which is scheduled for 9 February.

The letter reiterates that businesses and investors are ready to play their part in the transition of the buildings sector in line with the EU’s climate and energy goals. It also provides a list of business solutions, including EU-ASE catalogue of efficiency measures, to increase energy efficiency in buildings, research insights on national policies that can support stepping up the decarbonisation and energy efficiency in buildings, as well as mechanisms to accelerate investments in this key sector.

Read the full letter here

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