Letter to the College of Commissioners: “Energy efficiency first” in the Energy Union
On behalf of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU‐ASE), we are writing to express our full support for the creation of the Energy Union and to encourage you to place energy efficiency firmly at the forefront of its development and operation. In the same way that...
Letter to President Juncker: 35 companies and business associations call for a relevant role of energy efficiency in the Investment Plan for Europe
Dear President Juncker, Dear Vice-President Katainen, As representatives of progressive companies and not-for-profit organizations working in Brussels to promote improved energy efficiency, we very much welcome your promised focus on improving Europe’s competitiveness...
Note to the Italian Prime Minister: “Stop agli sprechi!”
Lo sviluppo di una riflessione seria sull’impatto dell’efficienza energetica sull’economia e la società italiana ed europea è spesso ostacolato da tre falsi miti: 1. E’ VERO CHE FARE EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA SIGNIFICA FRENARE LA CRESCITA ECONOMICA ? 2. E’ VERO CHE LE...