EU-ASE joins European businesses, local authorities and NGOs urging EU leaders to step up climate action

To: EU Heads of State and Government
Cc: EU Environment and Energy Ministers

Brussels, 12 June 2018

We are writing to you on behalf of a unique coalition of businesses, associations, investor groups, local and regional authorities, and civil society organisations. In 2015, European leadership helped deliver the Paris Agreement.

Since then, the EU has focussed on implementing the pre-Paris pledge into climate and energy legislation. Today we welcome growing political momentum to go beyond this effort, in particular:

  • the European Parliament’s position to increase the EU’s 2030 renewable energy and energy efficiency targets,
  • the March European Council conclusions calling for a Paris-consistent long-term strategy,
  • and the call from seven Member States to align EU climate ambition with the Paris Agreement. The EU is widely acknowledged for its long-standing commitment to tackling climate change through robust policy-making.

However, the current level of ambition is insufficient and hampering Europe’s chances of reaching the Paris goals. An enhanced level of ambition is critical to the ability of our organisations, businesses, cities, regions, and community-led initiatives to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon Europe.

On 13 June, key European stakeholders will be discussing ways to step up EU ambition on climate action at the High-Level EU Talanoa Dialogue. This is an important milestone ahead of the European Council in June where you will be discussing the bloc’s climate and energy frameworks of the future, in light of COP24 in Katowice.

We need Europe to transition to a sustainable society and economy as soon as possible, to allow for improvements to public health, greater competitiveness for businesses, and an increase in good quality jobs. This will allow all of us to reap the benefits from the decarbonization of Europe.

To deliver on this, Europe needs to stimulate rapid and long-term investments in the energy transition, particularly in efficiency and renewables. At the same time the EU should incentivise transformational change in the transport and agricultural sector, protect and restore our natural ecosystems and support the transition of local economies through local action.

Such an approach will be more credible and influential on the global stage, regaining its status as a committed leader on climate action and in the energy transition. By stepping up its commitments, the EU can limit the extent of climate impacts, abroad and domestically thereby significantly reducing the economic damage from climate change which would otherwise amount to hundreds of billions of euros every year .

Therefore, we call upon you to:

  • Ensure the finalisation of the EED, RES and Governance files in line with the ambition levels adopted by the European Parliament.
  • Ensure that the long-term strategy under development sets Europe on a pathway that delivers on the 1.5°C objective of the Paris Agreement, which must include a net-zero emissions target by 2050 at the latest, as supported by the European Parliament.
  • Ensure that on the basis of this long-term strategy, a timely revision takes place of the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target so as to allow the EU to lead by example and resubmit its new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) well in time for the 2020 deadline agreed in Paris.

More than ever, we stand ready to play our part in support of the objectives of the Paris Agreement. To realise our potential, we need EU leaders to deliver on their part: a commitment to more ambitious climate action and a rapid energy transition. The urgency has never been greater, but neither have the opportunities.


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Posizione dell’Italia sulla Direttiva sulla Efficienza Energetica (EED) e Regolamento sulla Governance dell’Unione dell’Energia per guidare la transizione energetica dell’Ue

Egregio Ministro,

Le scrivo a nome della European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), un’organizzazione imprenditoriale multisettoriale i cui membri operano in tutti i 28 Stati membri dell’Unione europea, impiegano 340.000 persone in Europa e hanno un fatturato aggregato annuo di € 115 miliardi.

Innanzitutto mi congratulo per l’importante incarico e mi auguro di poter collaborare con lei e i suoi servizi per affrontare le sfide ambientali, economiche e sociali poste dalla transizione energetica nei prossimi decenni.

Le proposte legislative sull’Efficienza Energetica (EED) e sulla Governance sono fondamentali per il quadro energetico dell’Unione Europea post-2020 e di conseguenza per il successo della transizione energetica italiana ed europea.

Dal punto di vista delle imprese, queste due proposte legislative – se correttamente redatte e attuate – hanno il potenziale di fornire agli investitori un quadro normativo stabile per le decisioni di investimento, di aumentare la competitività dell’industria europea, di generare crescita economica e creare milioni di posti di lavoro in Italia ed in tutto il continente.

Il Parlamento europeo ha adottato lo scorso 17 gennaio un target europeo vincolante per l’aumento dell’efficienza energetica del 35% entro il 2030. Secondo i dati pubblicati dalla Commissione europea, questo nuovo target condurrebbe alla creazione di 1,7 milioni di posti di lavoro in Europa e ad una riduzione del 20% delle importazioni di gas, in linea con gli obiettivi europei post-2020. Non crediamo che ci sia alcun altro settore energetico che possa promettere tanto.

Il prossimo 11 giugno il Consiglio Energia si riunirà a Bruxelles per le ultime fasi della negoziazione sulle proposte di EED e Governance. In vista di questa importante riunione siamo allarmati dalla recenti posizioni espresse dal precedente Governo. Le ultime posizioni della delegazione italiana ci paiono anche in contrapposizione con la stessa Strategia Energetica Nazionale (SEN) approvata dal medesimo Governo e con la posizione dei paesi più avanzati sui temi ambientali ed energetici come ad esempio la Francia.

In particolare l’Italia si è opposta, nel quadro della direttiva EED, alle disposizioni che riguardano la definizione di target vincolanti di risparmio energetico in una prospettiva 2030. Si tratta di un atteggiamento negativo e difficilmente giustificabile alla luce dell’enorme potenziale di risparmio energetico che l’Italia ha in settori chiave come i trasporti e le costruzioni.

Egregio Ministro, La invitiamo a riconsiderare queste posizioni e in particolare a valutare che e’ nell’interesse delle imprese e dei consumatori che l’Italia assuma la leadership nello sviluppo di tecnologie, prodotti e soluzioni per l’efficienza energetica nel settore dei trasporti e delle costruzioni, sulla scia dei buoni risultati raggiunti nell’industria negli ultimi anni.

Nello specifico la invitiamo a:

Direttiva sull’efficienza energetica

  • Sostenere la natura vincolante del target di efficienza energetica per rafforzare la fiducia degli investitori
  • Aumentare il livello di ambizione del target al 40% entro il 2030, espresso sia in termini di energia primaria che finale
  • Estendere il target dell’1,5% annuale di risparmio energetico cumulativo (Art.7) oltre il 2020 (con una prospettiva 2050) per fornire agli Stati membri l’incentivo a proseguire i buoni progressi che essi stessi hanno recentemente riportato di aver raggiunto[1]
  • Evitare clausole ed eccezioni che comprometterebbero l’efficacia dell’Art.7 e dell’intera Direttiva
  • Includere il consumo di energia nei trasporti nella baseline per il calcolo dei risparmi annuali dell’1,5%.

Regolamento sulla Governance dell’Unione dell’Energia

  • Sostenere un meccanismo di governance trasparente e coerente con il principio Efficiency First come guida alle decisioni di investimento in maniera tale da garantire un’adeguata attuazione della legislazione UE in materia di efficienza energetica
  • Rafforzare la governance dell’efficienza energetica consentendo alla Commissione di verificare i progressi dei singoli Stati membri rispetto a una traiettoria lineare per garantire un flusso costante di investimenti nei prossimi decenni
  • Sostenere lo sviluppo di strategie nazionali comparabili e di lungo termine.

Le auguriamo un proficuo Consiglio Energia, che speriamo fornirà l’ambizione e la direzione politica necessarie per raggiungere un accordo che ponga l’Italia e l’Europa su un percorso coerente di decarbonizzazione entro il 2050.

La ringrazio per l’attenzione e La prego di considerarmi a disposizione, sua e dei suoi uffici, per ogni approfondimento.

Con gli auguri di buon lavoro e i saluti più cordiali,

Monica Frassoni

Presidente della European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)

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Carta a Teresa Ribera, nueva Ministra española de Transición ecológica: Directiva de eficiencia energética y Regulación para la gobernanza de la Unión de la Energía como motores de la transición energética

Estimada Ministra Ribera,

Le escribo en nombre de la Alianza europea para el ahorro de energía (EU-ASE), una organización multisectorial de empresas y asociaciones cuyos integrantes operan en los 28 Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, dando empleo a 340.000 personas en Europa y con una facturación anual agregada de 115 mil millones de euros.

En primer lugar, me gustaría felicitarla por su nombramiento como Ministra de Transición ecológica. Esperamos con interés e impaciencia trabajar con usted para dar respuesta a los retos medioambientales, económicos y sociales a los que nos enfrentamos actualmente y nos seguiremos enfrentando en los próximos años.

La Directiva de eficiencia energética y la Gobernanza de la Unión de la Energía son piezas clave del marco energético de la UE posterior a 2020 y, por lo tanto, del éxito de la transición energética de la Unión. Desde un punto de vista empresarial, si se diseñan de forma correcta, estos dos paquetes legislativos cuentan con el potencial de dar a los inversores una muy necesitada certeza y previsibilidad a la hora de invertir, aumentar la competitividad de la industria europea, generar crecimiento económico y crear millones de puestos de trabajo en España y en todo el territorio de la Unión Europea. Como usted sabe, el Consejo de ministros bajo presidencia búlgara se reunirá el próximo lunes con el objetivo de llegar a acuerdo sobre un mandato negociador capaz de superar el impasse con el Parlamento europeo sobre algunos puntos clave y, en particular, en lo que se refiere al objetivo vinculante de un 35 % en ahorro energético y al artículo 7 dela Directiva. En EU-ASE opinamos que, si no se se produce un avance positivo en este ámbito, se reducirá de manera considerable la relevancia de esta legislación europea en lo que respecta al cumplimiento de los compromisos del Acuerdo de París.

A nuestro entender, hasta ahora el Gobierno español se había opuesto a un marco regulatorio en materia de eficiencia energética ambicioso y había pasado por alto la contribución tan importante que la eficiencia energética tendría en la transición hacia una descarbonización total de nuestras economías y sociedades. Confiamos en que esta posición cambie.

En vista de esto, creemos que es de suma importancia que el Gobierno español dé una señal de discontinuidad y que, en particular: 

Regulación para la Gobernanza de la Unión de la Energía

  • Apoye una gobernanza transparente, sólida y ambiciosa que cumpla con el principio de eficiencia energética para impulsar las decisiones empresariales y garantizar una aplicación adecuada de las legislaciones europeas sobre eficiencia energética.
  • Refuerce el objetivo de eficiencia energética permitiendo a la Comisión Europea controlar el progreso individual de cada Estado miembro frente a una trayectoria lineal para asegurar un flujo de inversión constante a lo largo de la década. Los Estados miembros deberían ser responsables a título individual de alcanzar el objetivo y contar con un año para paliar posibles carencias o desfases.
  • Mantenga un especial hincapié en estrategias nacionales, a largo plazo y comparables. Dichas estrategias deberían planearse de forma simultánea a los planes nacionales para 2030 con el objetivo de descarbonizar la sociedad.  

Directiva de eficiencia energética

  • Apoye que los objetivos de eficiencia energética de la UE sean vinculantes para reforzar la confianza de los inversores
  • Aumente el nivel de ambición de los objetivos de ahorro de energía a un 35 % para 2030, expresados tanto en términos de energía primaria como de energía final.
  • Amplíe el 1,5 % de ahorro de energía anual cumulativo obligatorio previsto en el artículo 7 más allá de 2020 (con perspectiva 2050), para dar a los Estados miembros un incentivo para que continúen con los avances que han presentado hasta la fecha[1].
  • Evite la doble contabilidad y las lagunas que pudieran perjudicar la efectividad del artículo 7 y de la Directiva en general.
  • Incluya el consumo energético para el transporte en las referencias a la hora de calcular el 1,5 % de ahorro de energía annual previsto en el artículo 7.

Le deseamos un Consejo de Energía productivo en el que esperamos que demuestre una muy necesitada ambición y dirección política para alcanzar con éxito un acuerdo que sitúe a España y a la Unión Europea en el camino correcto de la descarbonización total de la economía en 2050.


Monica Frassoni

Presidenta de la Alianza europea para el ahorro de energía (EU-ASE)

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Trialogue negotiations on Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Governance of the Energy Union Regulation (GR)

Dear Ministers,

I am writing to you on behalf of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE). We are a multi-sectoral business organisation whose members have operations across the 28 Member States of the European Union, directly employ 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 bn.

We are at a crucial moment of the trialogue negotiations on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the Governance of the Energy Union Regulation (GR).

The benefits of energy efficiency for the economy, society and for the environment are underpinned by dozens of studies and businesses cases.

Yet, the discussion on the two main elements of the EED i.e. the energy efficiency target and Art.7 is inexplicably stalled.

In Europe, 76% of the emission reductions necessary to achieve the objective set by the Paris Agreement will need to come from energy efficiency measures. This would translate in business opportunities and private investments in key sectors of our economies and with huge energy saving potential such as construction, water and transport. Adequate long term binding targets would provide investors with the much-needed certainty and predictability for investments and will create the conditions to keep our leadership in energy efficiency.

Which economic and political considerations could justify missing this unique opportunity? Your decision can help to ensure that Europe remains a strong competitive and innovative market for energy efficiency from which European companies can spearhead the energy transition and sell their technologies and know-how globally.

Failing that, Europe will take the risk that competitors like China and India – for which, as in Europe, more than 70% of emission reductions will have to come from energy efficiency – will seize this opportunity and will ultimately be the ones reaping the economic benefits.

The lack of ambition and political direction is also detrimental to the discussion on the Governance Regulation which is key to create a business environment which allows long terms planning for business development and investments.

We understand that in the current text of the Regulation the Energy Efficiency First principle is merely mentioned in the recitals and there is uncertainty about the introduction of well-functioning mechanisms to monitor Members States’ ambition and delivery of the energy efficiency target.

It should not be underestimated that more than 90% of Europeans favour public measures to boost energy efficiency. The Efficiency First principle boils down to make informed choice to invest taxpayers’ money in cost-effective energy measures and is of central importance in removing energy inefficiency as a major and persistent cause of energy poverty. By carrying out systematic consumer-centric value-for-money comparisons to prioritize investments, Efficiency First delivers concrete benefits to citizens and should be a pillar of Europe’s energy transition.

Here below, in view of the Energy Council on June 11, we are pleased to provide you with our inputs to the discussions and we warmly encourage you to:

Energy Efficiency Directive

  • Support the binding nature of the EU energy efficiency target to strengthen investor confidence
  • Increase the level of ambition of the energy saving target to 35% by 2030, expressed both in primary and final energy terms
  • Extend Art.7 5% annual cumulative energy savings obligations beyond 2020 (with a 2050 perspective) to provide Member States with the incentive to continue the good progress that they have reported to achieve until now
  • Avoid double counting and loopholes that would undermine the effectiveness of Art.7 and of the whole Directive
  • Include transport energy consumption in the baseline when calculating Art. 7 1.5% annual savings.

Governance Regulation of the Energy Union

  • Support a transparent, robust and forward-looking governance compliant with the Energy Efficiency First principle to drive business decision and guarantee an adequate implementation of EU energy efficiency legislations
  • Strengthen the energy efficiency governance by allowing the Commission to check progress of individual Member states against a linear trajectory to ensure a steady flow of investment over the decade.
  • Keep a strong emphasis on national, long-term, comparable strategies.

We wish you a fruitful Energy Council which we hope will provide the much needed ambition and political direction to successfully reach a deal that will set Europe on a coherent decarbonisation track by 2050.

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Need for strong cooperation among Member States for an adequate level of ambition for EU Energy Efficiency Targets

Dear Minister,

We are writing to you on behalf of a group of 70+  leading businesses and associations concerning the ongoing negotiations on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Governance Regulation (GOV).

In recent years, the European Union has led by example in terms of its significant commitments in the framework of the Paris Agreement. The ongoing negotiations on the EED and GOV represent a unique opportunity to strengthen the role of the EU as a world leader in climate action. The EED and GOV will provide the essential policy framework to drive Europe’s energy transition, whilst embodying the principle of energy efficiency first as the chief and indispensable step to decarbonise our economies. In the European Union, 76% of the emission reductions needed to meet the Paris Agreement must and should be reached through energy efficiency improvements.

When correctly designed, such a framework has the potential to provide investors and businesses with much-needed predictability for investments, increased competitiveness, economic growth and millions of jobs across the continent. In addition, it can reduce consumers’ energy bills: in Germany and France, thanks to energy efficiency improvements, household energy bills were cut by an average of €330 per capita between 2000 and 2016 .

To achieve long-term climate and energy goals mutual understanding and strong cooperation between all EU Member States is needed. In this perspective, we welcome the close cooperation between France and Germany who have voluntarily taken on responsibility to help the EU as a whole to fulfill the ambition of the Paris Agreement, We welcome the recent joint statement of French and German environment ministers who confirmed the need to elaborate the necessary measures for higher emission reductions and move toward carbon neutrality by 2050.

We believe that the ongoing negotiations on EED and GOV are the first concrete opportunity for the EU Member States to show joint leadership towards carbon neutrality.  Ahead of the Informal Energy Council that will take place on April 19-20, we call upon all Member States to work together with the aim to:

Energy Efficiency Directive

  • Support the binding nature of the EU energy efficiency target to strengthen investor confidence;
  • Increase the level of ambition of the energy saving target to a cost-effective 40% by 2030, expressed both in primary and final energy terms;
  • Extend the 1.5% cumulative annual energy savings obligations beyond 2020 (with a 2050 perspective);
  • Avoid double counting and loopholes that would undermine the effectiveness of Article 7 and of the whole Directive;
  • Include transport energy consumption in the baseline when calculating savings.

Governance Regulation

  • Support a transparent, robust and forward-looking governance compliant with the energy efficiency first principle to drive business decisions and guarantee an adequate implementation of the EU energy efficiency legislation;
  • Strengthen energy efficiency governance by allowing the European Commission to check progress of individual Member States against a linear trajectory to ensure a steady flow of investment over the decade;
  • Keep a strong emphasis on national, long-term, comparable low-carbon strategies. These should be drafted simultaneously with the national 2030 plans aiming at delivering a decarbonised society.


We remain at your disposal for any additional information that could be useful to prepare the next informal meeting of energy ministers and look forward to an ambitious outcome for the economic, social and environmental benefits of the entire European Union.

Yours sincerely,

[1] IEA.(2016). Energy, Climate Change and Environment: 2016 Insights. Retrieved from

[2] IEA (2018), Energy Efficiency Report, Retrieved from:

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