EU-ASE at Kyoto Club webinar: EU updates and the EPBD & EED directives.

On Tuesday 31 January, EU-ASE Policy and Advocacy Advisor Matteo Guidi spoke at the second webinar of the new cycle of the Legambiente and Kyoto Club’s “For decarbonisation: energy efficiency and heating in buildings in Italy” awareness campaign.

The webinar titled: EU updates and the EPBD and EED directives aims to build on a campaign to stop the spread of residential heating systems powered by fossil fuels and to raise awareness among the public, companies and public decision-makers by proposing amendment proposals to current Italian and European legislation.

Speakers included:

  • Matteo Guidi, Policy and Advocacy Advisor – European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)
  • Davide Sabbadin, Deputy Policy Manager for Climate – European Environmentale Bureau
  • Eva Brardinelli, Buildings Policy Coordinator – Climate Action Network Europe
  • Marco Grippa, Program Manager – Environmental Coalition on Standards
  • Introduction and moderation: Clementina Taliento, Kyoto Club

View more information about the webinar and campaign here.


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EU-ASE at event: The transition plans – beyond sustainable finance?

On Wednesday 30 November 2022, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at an event by ERCST titled: The transition plans – beyond sustainable finance?

 The idea of presenting a transition plan – i.e., ensuring that the business model and strategy of the undertaking are compatible with the transition to a sustainable economy and with the limiting of global warming to 1.5 °C, in line with the Paris Agreement – will soon turn into a concrete legal obligation. It is mandated by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and contemplated in other pieces of European sustainable finance legislation: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the EU Green Bonds Standard. But this kind of requirement expands beyond the sustainable finance realm. For example, the European Parliament wants to reduce the amount of ETS free allocations for companies not having a decarbonisation plan or failing to meet their milestones.

However, it remains unclear how to turn those very forward-looking and complex commitments into real change by individual companies throughout the various business models.

The event aims at identifying the objective, scope, and challenges in addressing the requirement of presenting transition plans in and beyond the EU corporate sustainability framework.

Hosted by the European Roundable on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ERCST), this hybrid event took plance online and in person.

View the full agenda here.
View the full ERCST presentation here.

Find more information about the event here.


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EU-ASE at Powering our buildings: how policies can support energy efficiency through building electrification

On Thursday 24 November 2022, EU-ASE participated in “Powering our buildings: how policies can support energy efficiency through building electrification”.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at the launch of a new study by FIRE Federazione Italiana per l’uso Razionale dell’Energia and the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy Foundation (IEECP), discussing the challenges we face to electrify, decarbonise and strengthen the EU energy system.

View the full agenda here.

Find more information about the study here.


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First edition of “European Energy Efficiency Day” brings together top businesses and policymakers

On 13 October 2022 the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) hosted the first edition of the “European Energy Efficiency Day”, a high-level conference bringing together leading businesses, policymakers and energy experts to explore cost efficient and socially fair decarbonisation paths.

According to the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero by 2050 report, achieving climate neutrality by 2050 requires to pushing the average average rate of energy efficiency improvements in the period 2020-2030 to about three times the average of the last two decades. The importance of energy efficiency is even more evident in the current context of high energy prices and to significantly reduce the EU’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels as soon as possible.

Improving energy efficiency throughout the EU can be done through massively scaling up energy efficient solutions for buildings, vehicles, home appliances and industry. Solutions and technologies which are all available today.

In this context, the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) launched a new forum to discuss the future of energy and how to decarbonise Europe’s economy through the lenses of energy efficiency, innovation and long-term sustainability.

The European Energy Efficiency Day is a high-level policy conference aimed at exploring cost efficient and socially fair decarbonisation paths to address the energy and climate crisis and deliver the European Green Deal. The first edition of the conference took place on 13 October 2022 as an online event.

Through a series of six sessions throughout the day, the event brought together key EU and national policymakers, leading industry players, as well as experts from the energy and environment community.

Speakers included:

  • Frans Timmermans Executive Vice President for the Green Deal, European Commission
  • Simone Mori Head of Europe, Enel Group
  • Laurence Tubiana CEO, European Climate Foundation
  • David Ducarme Deputy Group CEO & Group COO, Knauf Insulation
  • Monique Goyens Director General, BEUC
  • Oliver Kraft Executive Vice President, Sustainable Communities, Siemens
  • Paula Pinho Director Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency & Innovation, DG Energy, European Commission
  • Emilio Tenuta Chief Sustainability Officer, Ecolab
  • Maive Rute Deputy Director–General, DG GROW, European Commission
  • Hayati Yarkadas President, Xylem Europe, Water Infrastructure & Global Services
    …and more!

See the full agenda & learn more on

You can watch all 6 recordings below & on the EU-ASE YouTube channel


Session 1: Energy efficiency and renewables: building Europe’s energy transition together | European Energy Efficiency Day 2022

Session 2: Reaping the benefits of the water-energy nexus | European Energy Efficiency Day 2022

Session 3: Empowering city districts through digitalisation and system integration | European Energy Efficiency Day 2022

Session 4: Making industry “Fit for 55” | European Energy Efficiency Day 2022

Session 5: Energy efficiency: first fuel to drive Europe’s energy sovereignty | European Energy Efficiency Day 2022

Session 6: Energy efficient buildings to improve citizens’ health and wellbeing | European Energy Efficiency Day 2022

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EU-ASE at Women in Power

On Tuesday 10 October, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at “Women in Power” at the Office of the European Parliament in Washington DC.

On 12 October 2022, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at “Women in Power”, a discussion panel at the Office of the European Parliament in Washington, DC., answering the following question: “Why is it still so hard to see women in politics?”

While there has been an increase of women dealing with issues which have traditionally been dealt with by men, we still need good leadership to help women get into politics & a good culture to promote women in politics.

EU-ASE supports equal representation which shapes policy and better decision-making.

Watch the full discussion here.

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