EU-ASE at Energies at the crossroad: EU and Eurasian Countries in Dialogue

On Monday 26 June 2023, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at “Energies at the crossroad: EU and Eurasian Countries in Dialogue.”

Organised by Green Energy Management (GEM) – Silkway Summer School, the event aimed to draw reflections on the energy transition, which is a topic of public concern that affects cultures and societies at the global level.

The aim of GEM-SILKWAY CENTRA ASIA is to adopt a cross-cultural perspective in analysing the meaning of concepts like sustainability and human development.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni discussed the green transition and energy efficiency legislation in the EU.

View the full programme here.

Find more information about the event here.


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EU-ASE at EUSEW 2023: The role of competitive clean energy technologies to implement climate targets for 2030.

On Thursday 22 June 2023, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2023 (EUSEW) event titled “The role of competitive clean energy technologies to implement climate targets for 2030”.

Discussion revolved around the significance of energy efficiency for the EU`s climate goals, industrial and economic competitiveness and resilience to polycrises.

Monica stated: “The proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act, unfortunately, has a very insufficient attention to Energy Efficiency First principle and the need to reduce energy demand.”

Find more information about EUSEW here.


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EU-ASE at High Sustainability – Goals for sustainable development in the new world disorder

On Monday 19 June 2023, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at Radio Radicle’s podcast: “High Sustainability – Goals for sustainable development in the new world disorder”.

The episode titled “High Sustainability – Goals for Sustainable Development in the New World Disorder” was hosted by Valeria Manieri and included the following speakers:

  • Michele Governatori (Head of Power & Gas at ECCO)
  • Ilaria Bertini (Director of ENEA National Agency for Energy Efficiency)
  • Monica Frassoni (President of the European Alliance to Save Energy)

The topics of discussion included: Environment, Car, Home, China, Climate, Competition, Consumption, Ecology, Economy, Building, Electricity, Energy, Renewable Sources, Photovoltaic, Gas, Globalization, War, Business, Industry, Pollution, Investment, Italy, Market, Saving, Russia, Health, Sustainability, Development, Technology, Ukraine, European Union.

The video recording of this episode is available here.


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EU-ASE at HEATLAP: Final Dissemination event

On Thursday 6 July, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at the HEATLAP Final Dissemination event in Brussels.

The HEATLEAP project aims to demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of waste heat recovery systems such as large heat pumps in energy intensive industries and gas expanders in gas distribution networks by testing these technologies at real scale.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni continued to emphasize the significance of energy efficiency for the 2050 Net Zero targets as well as for the competitiveness of EU’s industry.

The event took place at: L42 Business Center, Rue de la Loi 42, Brussels, Belgium.

View more information about the event here.


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EU-ASE at high-level conference: Looking at the future of the Energy Union, beyond the crisis

On Tuesday 20 April 2023, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni participated in the Future of the Energy Union: Looking beyond the crisis, organised by Cabinet Kadri Simson.

Commissioner for energy, Kadri Simson, hosted this high-level conference on the future of the Energy Union, drawing lessons from the energy crisis and reflecting on the way forward for EU energy policy.

The aim of the event was to exchange on a future design of the governance of the Energy Union and the preparation of energy related elements in the upcoming updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). It was an occasion to take stock of the lessons learned from the energy crisis and to discuss how the increased need for energy security, a resilient EU energy system and ambitious energy targets can be reflected in the governance mechanism and the NECPs.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni highlighted the need for an energy system that is highly energy and resource efficient, based on renewables, that is secure, competitive, affordable and safe. A system that is able to respond to the climate, energy and water crisis that perturb our economy and create social unrest.

Overall, energy efficiency is one of our greatest tools to decarbonize our global economy and optimize our energy system, however we choose to design that system in the future.

We call member states to take energy efficiency in high consideration when preparing NECPs due by June 2023.

Thank you to Cabinet Simson for organising this timely initiative.

Find more information about the Future of the Energy Union: Looking beyond the crisis.


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