Leading businesses urge Governments to put building renovation at the centre of recovery plans

Ahead of the important European Council meeting of next 17-18 July, EU-ASE addressed a letter to the 27 EU Heads of State and government to call for leadership and long-term political vision for managing the economic and social crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Brussels, 14 July 2020


Dear Leaders of Europe,


The health and socio-economic crisis caused by Covid-19 calls for unprecedented decisions in the process of designing resilience and recovery plans. We have now an opportunity for Europe as a whole to make a great leap forward towards new and more sustainable economic models, instead of going back to the pre-crisis status quo. Now more than ever, Europe needs your bold political vision to implement immediate measures and to quickly fix the damages left behind by COVID-19, while investing in our long-term future. This opportunity should not be wasted.

As businesses and investors having energy efficiency and energy demand reduction at the heart of our activities, we expect Europe’s global climate leadership to be translated into measures which will lead to a green recovery and positive long term impact for citizens, business and the environment. As an example, the Renovation Wave is a unique opportunity to promote a European based industry, with technologies and expertise able to serve the renovation demand locally. Investing in the comprehensive renovation of the European building stock will help maintain the competitive advantage of the European construction value chain and create local jobs, while lifting millions of Europeans out of energy poverty. But despite its great potential, only a few Member States have committed to this objective by submitting their Long-Term Renovation Strategies due in March.

According to the European Commission’s recovery strategy released last month, the renovation of buildings across Europe is key and the upcoming Renovation Wave Initiative will be critical to stress the positive impact that sustainable and energy efficient buildings can have on health, well-being and quality of life; emission reduction and climate change; economic recovery and job creation. According to a recent study, for every €1 million invested in energy renovation of buildings, an average of 18 jobs are created in the EU. These are local, long-term jobs that will stimulate economic growth and will help drive us out of the economic crisis.

In order to fully realize Europe’s building renovation potential, it is paramount to increase the renovation rate of the building stock to a minimum of a 3% per year and make renovation programmes the cornerstone of the national recovery and resilience plans that you are due to present next October.

In view of the above, we look forward to working with you to decarbonize the EU building stock by 2050.

Yours sincerely,

Monica Frassoni
President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)


Download the letter


Media contact:
Matteo Guidi
+32 493 37 21 42

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Decarbonising industry and the ICT Sector (EUSEW 2020 side event)

The webinar “Decarbonising industry and the ICT sector: energy and CO2 saving potentials in the short and longer term“, part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 extended programme, brought together policymakers, researchers, and a cross-sectorial group of business representatives to discuss about:

  • existing technologies and approaches to save energy and reduce emissions in industry and the ICT sector – in the short term
  • policy guardrails needed for a GHG-neutral EU industry and ICT sector – in the longer term

Three impulse presentations were followed by a panel discussion with policy-relevant actors and a virtual interaction with the audience.

Speakers: Peter Hoedemaker, President, European Industrial Insulation Foundation; Jan Ciampor, Policy Officer, Energy Efficiency Unit, DG ENER, European Commission; Antti Valle, Deputy Head of Unit, Energy Intensive Industries and Raw Materials, DG GROW, European Commission; Andreas Guertler, Director, European Industrial Insulation Foundation; Gaël Souchet, Senior Product Manager New Energy Storage, Schneider Electric; Andrea Herbst, Senior Researcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI; Guido Knoche, Senior Advisor for Climate, German Environment Agency (UBA); and Barbara Mariani, Senior Policy Officer for Climate, European Environmental Bureau.
Moderator: Monica Frassoni, President, European Alliance to Save Energy.

The event was co-hosted by the European Industrial Insulation Foundation, the European Alliance to Save Energy, the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI.


Watch the recording of the webinar here


The full presentation is available here


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EU-ASE welcomes strong reference to ‘Efficiency first’ in Energy System Integration Strategy, calls for limited role of green hydrogen in hard-to-decarbonise sectors

Brussels, 8 July 2020 – Today the European Commission presented its proposals for the EU strategies for energy system integration and hydrogen.

The Energy System Integration Strategy sets out a vision on how to accelerate the transition towards a more integrated energy strategy, supporting full decarbonisation at the least cost across sectors.

The proposal puts first a more “circular” energy system, with energy efficiency at its core. Moreover, the Strategy calls for the application of the energy efficiency first principle consistently across the whole energy system, including through further measures to reflect the life cycle energy use and GHG footprint of the different energy carriers to be able to make an accurate comparison between demand and supply-side solutions. The Commission will issue guidance to Member States to make the efficiency first principle operational across the energy system, by 2021, and promote it in future methodologies and legislative revisions.

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) welcomes this proposal and is glad that it highlights the importance of mainstreaming energy efficiency first across the energy system.

We are pleased by the Strategy’s strong reference to energy efficiency as a key enabler of the decarbonisation of Europe’s energy system”, said EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni. “We also welcome the suggested actions to better enshrine efficiency first, and the commitment to further promote this principle in the TEN-E revision.” “Regarding hydrogen”, Ms Frassoni added, “we would like to stress that while green hydrogen could play a role in hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as primary industry and heavy-road transport, for buildings, there are more cost-effective and ready-to-use solutions”. “In this light, technologies for direct electrification are already available and their deployment should be accelerated,” Ms Frassoni concluded.

More information on EU-ASE position on Energy System Integration can be found here

About EU-ASE
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) was established in December 2010 by some of Europe’s leading multinational companies. The Alliance creates a platform from which companies can ensure that the voice of energy efficiency is heard from across the business and political community. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

Media contact:
Matteo Guidi
+32 493 37 21 42

Download the press release here (PDF)

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Letter calls upon the REGI Committee to exclude fossil fuels from the Just Transition Fund

Dear Member of the REGI Committee, 

We call on you to vote in favour of a better future for communities by voting for regions to leap forward, not backwards. In your vote on the 6 July, we ask the REGI Committee to exclude fossil fuels from the Just Transition Fund – including fossil gas – and support a just transition for all. 

Fossil gas is a fuel with substantial CO2 and methane emissions contributing to climate change and its catastrophic impacts on people and biodiversity. Methane is 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 20-year period, making it the second most important greenhouse gas, contributing to 25% of warming experienced today. 

Fossil gas infrastructure is also not compatible with most renewable gases, and almost certainly not for renewable gases at scale. The European Commission and the International Energy Agency (IEA) have successively scaled down gas demand projections for 2030. 

The EU’s Just Transition Fund is an integral part of the EU Green Deal. It has the potential to ensure that Europe’s transition to a climate neutral, resilient and healthy future leaves no region – or person – behind. But this requires a strong commitment to a climate-neutrality goal that would limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. 

Communities have an opportunity to leap forward to a more sustainable, more resilient and healthier future away from carbon extractive industries. Investing in fossil gas comes with huge cost to the climate, Europe’s competitiveness and European societies. Meanwhile, renewable energy investments bring up to three times more jobs per euro invested than the same amount invested in fossil fuels – and renewable jobs are more likely to be local than those in fossil gas. 

It’s time to face the truth: fossil gas has no place in EU funds, including the Just Transition Fund. The Council realised this and so too must the Parliament.

Read the full statement

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EU-ASE at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020

This year the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) took place in an online and reduced format. As a proud partner of EUSEW 2020, EU-ASE contributed in different ways to the success of the event, as shown below.

Participation in the EUSEW 2020 main conference and side webinars:

  • Decisive action on energy poverty: solutions from across the EU – organised by DG ENER (European Commission) – Watch the recording here
  • Spurring Europe’s Renovation Wave – How #BetterBuildingsEU can contribute to #EUGreenRecovery – co-organised with smartEn, EuroAce, SolarPower Europe, EHPA, BPIE, EuropeOn and EBC – Watch the recording here
  • Decarbonising industry and the ICT sector: energy and CO2 saving potential in the short and longer term – co-organised with the European Industrial Insulation Foundation, the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI – Watch the recording here
  • Powering energy transition in rural communities through social and territorial innovationMore information here

Blog contributions:

  • Renovation Wave: the immediate and powerful recovery button at the fingertips of EU policymakersRead here
  • Smart and the city: energy efficiency and sector integration for a #carbonneutralEU Read here


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