Cómo acelerar la rehabilitación energética de edificios en España: retos y soluciones


Presentación del papel “Renovate2Recover: ¿Hasta qué punto son transformadores los PNRR para la Rehabilitación de Edificios?” y mejores prácticas en Europa

  • Vilislava Ivanova, Senior Researcher, E3G (en inglés con traducción simultánea al español)

Debate (con preguntas y respuestas)

  • Francisco Javier Martin Ramiro, Director General de Vivienda y Suelo del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (MITMA)
  • Alberto Bayona, Director Gerente, Nasuvinsa (Navarra)
  • Ignacio de la Puerta, Director de Planificación Territorial y Agenda Urbana, Gobierno Vasco
  • Cecilia Foronda, Directora de Energía y Personas, Ecodes
  • Eduard Puig MacLean, Director de Operaciones y cofundador, GNE Finance

Moderación: Monica Frassoni, Presidenta de la Alianza Europea para el Ahorro de Energía (EU-ASE)

Los edificios en España consumen un 30% del total energético y representan un 40% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Así pues, la rehabilitación energética es fundamental para descarbonizar el parque inmobiliario español y alcanzar el objetivo de ahorro energético del 39,5% establecido en el Plan Nacional de Energía y Clima 2021-2030. Las rehabilitaciones pueden también ayudar a hacer frente al reciente aumento de los precios de la energía y a reducir las importaciones de gas natural ruso.


En este contexto, el Next Generation EU ofrece una gran oportunidad para aumentar la tasa de rehabilitación a nivel nacional, que es actualmente solo del 0,2% anual. El Plan Nacional de Recuperación y Resiliencia (PNRR) español destina a la rehabilitación de edificios unos 6.500 millones de euros, la mayoría de los cuales se destinan a los edificios con uso residencial y de uso público. Los programas de rehabilitación exigen reducir al menos en un 30% el consumo de energía primaria procedente de fuentes no renovables. Si se aplican correctamente, se estima que estas medidas pueden conducir a una reducción media del consumo de energía primaria de más del 40%, tanto en el sector residencial como en el no residencial.

Este seminario analizo los retos actuales y las soluciones que podrían ayudar a España a impulsar su tasa de rehabilitación y contribuir a los nuevos objetivos climáticos europeos para el 2030. Los ponentes también intercambiaron sobre cómo crear mercados de renovación sostenibles que crezcan más allá del 2026.

Descarge la presentación aquí

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EU’s climate action does not need fossil distractions

Climate is high on the agenda of this week’s meeting with European Union heads of states and governments. What is not really certain is if the Council will manage to keep a united and determined front ahead of COP26 in Glasgow.

by Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)

The problem the EU faces, as most other developed economies, is that behind climate ambitions and political declarations, the numbers do not add up. Too much time and resources are lost in the attempt to go around a basic reality that only a few days ago was clearly stated with no possibility of misunderstanding in the International Energy Agency’s new report, Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap: we need to stop investing in fossil fuels now.

That includes new gas pipelines, as well as grey and blue hydrogen. We must stop hiding behind the magic word ‘transition’ to prolong our still enormous dependence on natural gas, coal and oil. We need to invest and dedicate the massive amount of public resources that are available at all levels to help all of us to go green: this is no ethical issue. It is a sound economic, social and environmental choice, as it gives a real perspective to our industries and workers to stay competitive and to look to the future with trust. In other words, accelerating the green transformation is a very good news for Europe’s citizens, businesses and the environment.

In December 2020, in light of the EU’s commitment to increase its climate ambition in line with the Paris Agreement, EU leaders endorsed a common target to reduce the bloc’s net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990-levels by 2030 and confirmed the goal to become the first climate neutral region by 2050. This was a substantial step up from the previous 2030 target of cutting emissions by 40% and can be considered a result of pressure from scientific communities, public opinion and media to raise awareness and the sense of urgency on the major global risk represented by climate change.


Read the full article on Friends of Europe

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New EU buildings rules are crucial to deliver on climate targets

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) must recognise that buildings are a crucial energy infrastructure for Europe, writes Monica Frassoni, president of the European Alliance to Save Energy. By being highly efficient, they can reduce energy demand but also manage, store, and generate renewable energy, she argues.

Through the agreement on the European Climate Law, the European Union and Member States have committed to become a net-zero economy by 2050 and, on the way, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. Even if science says that the EU should go towards 65% GHG emissions reductions and the European Parliament had asked for 60%, the agreement is a step forward.

But can we deliver? Sure, but we need to be serious and unafraid to take the necessary step to abate emission in key sectors such as buildings.

I am not a number cruncher, but a couple of figures says it all. 75% of the current building stock is not efficient, and most of today’s buildings will still be in use in 30 years. Currently only 1% of the building stock undergoes energy renovations each year, so there is a tremendous gap between today’s reality and the EU’s climate ambitions.

In other words, we are lagging behind, and overcoming this problem implies making fundamental regulatory changes in EU energy legislation.

This is where the review of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) comes in. The EPBD is, in the European Commission plans, one of the legislative pillars to address energy performance and emission of the EU building stock.

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the Green Deal, said in October 2020 that “at the present rate of restructuring and refurbishing our housing, we will not achieve the (EU climate) goals, we need to double that and that is what we want to do with the Renovation Strategy”, thus putting buildings at the centre of the European Green Deal.


Read the full article on EURACTIV

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EU-ASE at EUFORES 20th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting

On 27 November EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni participated in the 20th edition of the annual Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES). The conference was held as a Pan-European Parliamentary Webinar.

President Frassoni took the floor during the session “EU Energy Efficiency Policy Update and New Narratives to drive Energy Efficiency, moderated by Daniel Becker, Director Energy at Guidehouse. Speakers included Carlos Sanchez Rivero, Team Leader Energy Efficiency Finance, European Commission DG Energy; Members of the European Parliament Ciaran Cuffe, Katalin Cseh and Nicolas Gonzalez Casares; Christiane Egger, Deputy Manager, Upper Austria Energy Agency; Adrian Joyce, Secretary General, EuroACE.


A recording of the full webinar is available here

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