EU-ASE at Concerted Action for the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED)

On Tuesday 10 October, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at Concerted Action for the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED), motivating implementing bodies in their efforts to put in place robust policies & measures in order to deliver on the energy efficiency targets.

 To support discussion on the implementation of the directive, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni was invited to provide a key note address at the opening session of the next plenary meeting of the Concerted Action for the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED).

The CA EED is one of the major tools in the energy efficiency toolbox for Member State policy makers and implementors. It supports policy makers, implementors and public authorities to deliver on energy efficiency, it contributes to the understanding and sharing of good practices, energy saving measurement methodologies and helps resolve EED implementation issues. The CA provides an informal platform where policy makers and implementors can share, discuss and create. It has been doing this for just under fifteen years and aims to continue to provide support into the new EED era.

This meeting aims to help Member State EED implementing bodies to get a better understanding of the more technical aspects of the recast, it will be the first opportunity the more technical implementors will be provided with to bring more clarity and understanding.

Monica’s role was to inspire the audience and motivate them in their efforts to put in place robust policies and measures in order to deliver on the energy efficiency targets, which for many will be challenging.

Learn more about the CA EED: 


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EU-ASE at Lombardia Green Conference: The “Green Homes” Directive as an opportunity for industrial, territorial & social development

On Monday 09 October, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni participata in the Lombardia Green Conference – The “Green Homes” Directive as an opportunity for industrial, territorial & social development.

The conference, happening during Brescia Futura, presents an excellent chance to delve into the subject of #energyefficiency and building renovations, aiming to examine the benefits of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

View the full agenda here.
Watch the full session here.


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It is time to update our thinking about energy efficiency

“Energy efficiency becomes even more important as we shift to a renewables-based economy,” says Rasmus Abildgaard Kristensen of Danfoss ahead of the second edition of European Energy Efficiency Day 2023.

It is not magic, energy efficiency solutions are readily available right now.

The UNFCCC Global Stocktake report released in September 2023 emphasised the urgency of honouring the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5℃. We are simply not on track yet.

The good news is that it is possible to reach our climate goals, and we do not need magic to achieve them. We already have the technology and the solutions, but action is needed.

We need an increased focus on energy efficiency policy implementation to strengthen energy security and keep the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5℃ within reach. Energy efficiency is, and always should be, the “first fuel” for clean energy transitions.

We have the required technology available and it is by far the quickest and most cost-effective carbon mitigation option.

Read the full article in Foresight Climate & Energy.

More information on Energy Efficiency Day here & Register here.

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Business leaders call upon the Government of Spain to champion the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)

We, as members of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) and of the Spanish Green Growth Group, appeal to the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU to focus and give priority to the adoption of an ambitious Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) before the conclusion of its mandate at the end of 2023.

Reaching a timely agreement is vital to prevent further politicisation of the file, provide predictability for businesses and local construction sectors, and avoid delays as we strive to save energy, achieve energy independence and accelerate Europe’s efforts to combat climate change. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is a crucial component of the EU’s Fit For 55 package and any delay or resistance to its adoption will substantially impact the EU’s progress toward a zero-emission, climate-resilient future.

Read the full letter here.

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Building Investor Certainty: Business Leaders Unite in Urgent Call for an Ambitious Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

We call upon the co-legislator to seize a historic opportunity and prioritize the adoption of an ambitious Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) before the conclusion of the Spanish Presidency at the end of 2023.

Our appeal for urgent action is grounded in the recognition that a timely agreement on the EPBD is essential to bring an array of benefits for EU citizens and businesses. Our concern is that the debate is becoming excessively polarized based largely on inaccurate information and assumptions, which threatens to delay the delivery of much needed improvements to people`s homes and workplaces while diminishing efforts to lower bills and boost energy security and competitiveness.

The European Green Deal rightfully identifies the upgrade of the EU’s building stock as a key objective in the fight against climate change and the pursuit of our 2050 decarbonization goals. Since the war in Ukraine and the ensuing energy security challenges, we have been pursuing urgent strategies to attain energy independence. Highly efficient and smart buildings are the bedrock of energy security. By enhancing their energy efficiency through renovation and use of management systems, we can significantly reduce the energy required for heating, cooling and lighting, we can optimize consumption and contribute to grid optimization. The integration of digital solutions further unlocks the potential for renewable energy integration and flexibility, reducing even more our reliance on imported fossil fuels.


Read the full opinion-editorial on Euractiv.

More information on Energy Efficiency Day here & register here.

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