Position on Recast of Drinking Water Directive
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) welcomes the European Parliament report on the recast of the Drinking Water Directive as well the General approach of Council on the Drinking Water Directive. The recast of the Drinking Water Directive signifies a step in the right direction in updating the legislative framework to the challenges faced by the drinking water sector.
In view of the ongoing trilogues, the European Alliance to Save Energy would like to highlight that we strongly support the European Parliament’s position on:
- the mandatory introduction of Member State water leakage reduction targets
- and requirements for water utilities to publicly disclose information on water leakage rates and energy performance
As such, we ask to support these measures throughout the trilogue negotiations process with a view to including them in the finally agreed text.
We also suggest compromise proposals which would help reduce the amount of non-revenue water and improve the energy efficiency of the water sector.
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.