Brussels, 5 December 2017
Dear Member of the European Parliament,
I am writing to you on behalf of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), a multi-sectoral business organisation whose members have operations across the 28 Member States of the European Union. Our members directly employ 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 bn.
The Energy Union Governance 2030 Regulation is key for businesses.
We would like to urge you to support the Compromise Amendments 2A, 6A, 18A, 31A and 45 on the Regulation on Energy Union Governance to be voted on 7 December in a joint ITRE-ENVI Committee meeting.
Robust and straight forward governance in the realms of climate and energy is a key driver for any future business decision because it guarantees an adequate implementation of EU energy efficiency legislations, thus providing certainty and predictability for investments taken by public and private stakeholders. For the energy efficiency sector, this will strengthen businesses’ engagement, while setting the EU on track to reach its 2030 energy and climate targets and the Paris Agreement commitments.
A robust framework should include the following elements:
1. A definition of Efficiency First to uphold the Commission’s promise to make Energy Efficiency First the guiding principle across the five dimensions of the Energy Union (CA 2A);
2. Linear trajectories made of biennial interim targets to ensure stable flow of investments over the period and adopt clear, responsive and credible measures in case of a delivery gap (6A and 31A);
3. To include in the Long-Term Low Emission Strategies the key provisions and mechanisms of the long-term renovation strategies as foreseen in the revised EPBD, to ensure consistency and comparability in planning policies, setting a clear and coherent EU 2050 pathway and to unlock the necessary financing (CAs 18A and 45).
Investments in energy efficiency create essential multiple benefits for our economies, creating local jobs, increasing energy productivity and competitiveness. Energy savings achieved through energy efficiency investments are a chief enabler of sustainable growth and the energy transition.
EU-ASE is at your disposal in the forthcoming weeks to discuss the strategic importance of a solid EU regulatory framework for energy efficiency.
Yours sincerely,
Monica Frassoni
President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)