Joint Letter on Water Resilience Initiative

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), part of a broad coalition of European organisations, calls on the European Commission to deliver the Water Resilience Initiative as soon as possible as a first step towards an ambitious water strategy for Europe. 

March 11, Brussels – Today, a diverse coalition of European organisations has joined forces to call upon the European Commission to deliver the Water Resilience Initiative as soon as possible, marking a crucial first step towards an ambitious water strategy for Europe.

In an open letter addressed to the European Commission, the coalition emphasises the indispensable need for a water-resilient Europe in light of the escalating pressures on the continent’s freshwater resources, intensified by the impacts of climate change. The coalition stresses that water stands at the centre of the economic, societal, and environmental sustainability of Europe. As such, the Water Resilience Initiative is seen as imperative to provide European socio-economic actors with a competitive edge, while ensuring the availability of water resources of the highest quality at the right time.

Over the past five years, European institutions have diligently updated the European water acquis to confront emerging challenges head-on. A consensus has emerged among European Member States and institutions, highlighting the urgent need for a cohesive and comprehensive water strategy. Notably, resolutions from the European Council in 2021 and 2023 underscored the strategic significance of water and the imperative for decisive action. Bold commitments on water were submitted to the UN 2023 Water Conference, demonstrating Europe’s dedication to global leadership in water management.

These cannot be delivered without the Water Resilience Initiative that was announced in the State of the Union speech in September 2023. With Europe positioned to lead by example, the coalition urges the European Commission to stick to its commitment and swiftly deliver the Water Resilience Initiative, making water a top priority for the next mandate of the European Commission.


 Read the full letter here.

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Solving Europe’s water challenges means getting it right on energy

From strict emergency measures being introduced in Catalonia, to memories of nuclear plants shutting down in France due to drought and low water supply, one thing is clear, and that is Europe’s water sector is under pressure, says Bonaldi da Costa of Danfoss in Foresight Climate and Energy.

Are we on the cusp of a water crisis in Europe or are we already in the midst of one?

Climate change-induced volatile weather patterns, in combination with poor water management and increased water demand in the agricultural, energy and industrial sectors have proven a lethal combination piling on additional stress to an increasingly strained supply.

But when it comes to water, the stakes are too high to ignore. On top of the social and health implications for local communities, failure to find a sustainable resolution to the water crisis is an issue which will undoubtedly jeopardise the EU’s competitiveness and ability to develop strategic sectors such as the hydrogen economy.

Yet in rethinking a European approach to our water challenges, we cannot forget to put a heavy emphasis on solving the closely interlinked energy issue. The mutual dependence between water and energy is clear to see: energy generation accounts for 44% of the EU’s water consumption, while the water sector accounts for around 3% of the EU’s total electricity demand. For comparison, that is a figure comfortably larger than Belgium’s electricity consumption.


Read the full article in Foresight Climate & Energy.


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Europe needs a dedicated water strategy to tackle water scarcity while saving energy and reducing emissions

The next EU institutional framework must work on a European Water Strategy – a comprehensive, integrated response to tackle water scarcity, focusing on the synergies between water & energy use: the Water-Energy Nexus. 

Water scarcity is a growing concern in Europe, driven by climate change, population growth, urbanization, and inefficient water management practices. To combat this crisis effectively, an integrated approach is essential, leveraging the water-energy nexus to optimize water supply, treatment and use, while promoting energy savings, emission reductions and overall sustainability.

The next European institution framework must work on a European Water Strategy, a comprehensive, integrated response to tackle water scarcity focusing on the synergies between water and energy use.

To do so, for the next institutional term 2024-2029, the European Alliance to Save Energy urges policymakers to:

  • Complete and strengthen the EU and national policy and regulatory framework
  • Facilitate public-private partnerships
  • Provide finance for innovation, research and implementation
  • Forge responsibility to instigate change


Read the full European Water Strategy document here.

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Enhancing EU security & resilience via energy efficiency: 2023 in review

The EU-ASE 2023 Activity Report delves into the advocacy and outreach efforts of the European Alliance to Save Energy, aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in the EU’s energy policies and integrating the water-energy nexus into mainstream considerations.

2023 can be viewed as a continuation of the previous one, marked by escalating geopolitical issues and an energy crisis. Throughout the year, EU-ASE actively implemented its workplan by significantly contributing to energy efficiency debates and participating in ongoing negotiations on legislative dossiers.

We also organized the second edition of the European Energy Efficiency Day, bringing together high-profile speakers who contributed to discussions on energy efficiency in buildings, industrial ecosystems, and the electricity market. The event also delved into the skills agenda within the sector.

We continued our work on the implementation of a work programme which was structured around the main objectives of:

  • Boosting energy efficiency through EU policy and regulatory framework
  • Unleashing the energy savings potential of water efficiency in EU legislation
  • Smart, digital, and effective communication to achieve advocacy objectives

Read the full report here.

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Coalition for Higher Ambition Rallies Broad Support for a Science-Based 2040 Climate Target

Today, the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), as a part of the Coalition for higher Ambition (HAC), co-signed a letter addressed to the Presidents of the three main institutions of the EU and Ministers of the Belgian Presidency. The letter calls for the proposal of a EU 2040 climate target of at least 90% net emission reductions, compared to 1990 levels, aligning with the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change’s (ESABCC) advice to achieve a net emission reduction of 90% to 95% by 2040.

Current plans from countries to reduce emissions mark an alarming global ambition gap 2 to meet the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement, and all Parties need to step up their efforts, in view of their respective historical responsibility in causing the climate crisis and their capacity to act upon it. The outcome of COP28 signals that the direction of travel is moving away from fossil fuels; it is now up to countries to translate this commitment into national targets and measures aligned with science that deliver on the 1.5°C temperature goal in an equitable manner.

“The diversity, size and collective expertise of the coalition calling for a science-based target is telling,” says Chiara Martinelli, Director, CAN Europe. “High ambition now can bring about a green and just transformation across sectors – resulting in job creation, economic opportunities, improved public health, poverty reduction, social protections, natural resource preservation and energy security, well before 2040”.

Monica Frassoni, President of EU-ASE, states:
‘As the champions of the energy efficiency ecosystem, we fully support the call for a more ambitious EU emission reduction goal. Urging the Commission to keep up its ambition, we echo the advice of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change to reduce emissions by 90% by 2040. Let’s infuse every corner of industry with the ‘Energy Efficiency First’ vibe – it’s the EU’s time to make a splash!’

Read the full letter here.

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