EU-ASE at webinar on decarbonising heating in buildings (Italy)

On Tuesday 19 April, EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni spoke at the webinar Aspettative dalla legislazione italiana ed europea, the fifth of a series of webinars organised by Legambiente and Kyoto Club as part of the campaign Per la decarbonizzazione: efficienza energetica e riscaldamento negli edifici in Italia. The aim of the project is to raise awareness among public opinion, companies and public decision-makers, proposing amendments to current Italian and European legislation.

The event speakers were Eleonora Evi, Italian Member of the European Parliament, Monica Frassoni, President of EU-ASE and Giulia Lupo, Senator of the Italian Republic.

Watch the recording here

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EE Global Forum 2022: Defining Moments of Energy Efficiency

Join hundreds of energy efficiency influencers at the 2022 EE Global Forum, being held June 15 in Washington, DC.

Every year, EE Global brings together the world’s leaders in energy efficiency to discuss pressing industry issues, identify emerging trends, and connect with peers from dozens of countries around the globe. This year’s Forum will be hosted in Washington, D.C. on June 15, 2022, and will focus on the Defining Moments of Energy Efficiency – both celebrating the historical moments that led us to where we are today, and seizing the present moment to ensure an equitable, reliable, and affordable clean energy transition.

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Interview with Radio24 (Italy)

The European Parliament last week voted by a large majority for a resolution calling for further sanctions against Russia, as well as for an amendment for a complete and immediate EU embargo on imports of Russian oil, coal, nuclear fuel and gas.

EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni was interviewed on this topic on the morning programme of Radio24, Italy’s leading business radio station.

The podcast is available here (in Italian)

L'Europa vota per l'embargo alla Russia

by Radio24 with Monica Frassoni

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Response to the Commission’s consultation on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

The The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the expost consultation on the EPBD revision.

Together with the rest of the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative ecosystem, the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is crucial to address challenges the European Union is facing: the climate emergency, the soaring energy prices and the European dependency on fossil fuels from third countries. In this document, EU-ASE reacts to the Commission’s proposal to revise the EPBD and proposes recommendations to align the Directive with the EU’s climatic and energy objectives for 2030 and 2050.


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Decarbonising heating and cooling: the time variable

Fossil fuels used for heating and cooling are responsible for 12% of the total EU CO2-equivalent emissions and for 28% of the yearly EU energy consumption. Furthermore, as shown by the latest figures released by the Coolproducts campaign, only about 17.3% of the heating appliances installed in European homes are powered by electricity or use clean technologies.

The EU Copernicus Climate Change Service has demonstrated how close we are to reaching a global warming of 1.5°C, foreseen now for February 2034. In the IPCC Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis report, it is noted that while strong and sustained reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases would limit climate change, it could take 20-30 years to see global temperatures stabilise. Even with a carbon-neutral planet in 2050, global temperatures would stabilise no earlier than 2070.

Technologies to replace gas, oil and coal boilers have been there for years, manufacturers are ready and consumers are in favour of the switch.

The International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero by 2050’ argues that if the world is to achieve net-zero emissions by the middle of this century, no new fossil fuel boilers should be sold from 2025 onwards.

EU decisionmakers should include this ban in forthcoming EU legislation. With the continued installation of fossil fuel boilers in European buildings beyond 2025, the risk that they will still be in place in 2050 is almost certain, thus undermining the  EU climate neutrality goal.


by Sergio Andreis
Director of Kyoto Club  


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