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A binding 14,5% energy efficiency target in 2030 for reviving Europe’s economy
Ten EU business organisations join forces in an open letter addressed to the EU negotiators revising the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). Together, we are calling on the European Parliament and the EU Council to agree on setting an EU energy efficiency target fit for Europe’s climate goals, while ensuring sustainable economic growth and...
read more“The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive – An opportunity to support business whilst reducing our dependence on foreign energy supplies”
In June 2011 the European Commission published a new proposal for an Energy Efficiency Directive. The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), Europe’s first business led alliance on energy efficiency, had hoped that this piece of legislation would put Europe where...
read more“A Manifesto for the European Alliance to Save Energy: Energy Efficiency – Europe’s untapped energy resource”
Never before has the case for greater energy savings been so strong. Greater energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest, safest, easiest and cleanest way to deliver climate and energy security. It is an area where businesses active in Europe excel and where the right...
read more“The EU’s Energy Efficiency Plan raises concerns among a new Alliance of business, civil society and political leaders”
Brussels, March 8, 2011: Today the European Commission published its much awaited Plan for Energy Efficiency; a new plan that aspires to put the EU back on track with its energy efficiency objectives. The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), a newly formed...
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