Unlocking the Superpower of Buildings

“The relatively simple act of renovating residential homes with proper insulation would result in a 44% reduction in the amount of natural gas used for heating. Th​is is​ not only a substantial decrease in energy consumption, it​ i​s also a big decrease in associated carbon emissions — This is​ the superpower of buildings” says David Ducarme of Knauf Insulation in Foresight Climate & Energy, ahead of the second edition of European Energy Efficiency Day.

Europe’s built environment is the single largest consumer of energy. It is also one of the largest emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2)​. But while the building stock’s carbon footprint may be big, it also has a superpower that can be unlocked using energy-efficient renovations.

For energy efficiency to be more than an after thought, it needs to be viewed as another element in the power mix. According to calculations by the Buildings Performance Institute of Europe (BPIE), the relatively simple act of renovating residential homes with proper insulation would result in a 44% reduction in the amount of natural gas used for heating.

This is not only a substantial decrease in energy consumption, it is also a big decrease in associated carbon emissions—a decrease that would help put Europe on track to becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent.  

This is the superpower of buildings. 

But unlocking this power requires policies that deliver energy efficiency, which is why the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) could not be timelier 


Read the full article on Foresight Climate & Energy.

More information on Energy Efficiency Day here & Register here.

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To deliver the ambition of new energy efficiency directives

Switching all conventional light points to LEDs is one of the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective ways of reducing energy consumption, says Alice Steenland from Signify says Alice Steenland of Signify in Foresight Climate & Energy ahead of the second edition of European Energy Efficiency Day.

A simple change can make a big difference.

Simply swapping conventional lights for LED alternatives can reduce lighting-related energy usage by 50% or more. With smart lighting management in place, energy savings can approach 80% over conventional technology.

In Europe, half of all currently installed lights, residential and commercial combined, are conventional. This represents an enormous opportunity. Replacing all conventional lights in the EU with LED alternatives could save an estimated €65 billion in energy costs, depending on energy rates, and could reduce CO2 emissions by 51 million tonnes—not just once, but every single year.


Read the full article on Foresight Climate & Energy.

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Future of the Energy Union: bringing the transformative potential of energy efficiency in the National Energy and Climate Plans

As EU member states prepare to submit their revised National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission on 30 June, they must pay greater attention to energy efficiency, writes EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni in Euractiv.

A future energy system must be highly energy and resource efficient, based on renewables, secure, competitive, affordable and of course, safe. One that can respond to the climate, energy and water crises that increasingly perturb our economy and create social tensions.

Reducing energy needs and doing this through ready-to-use technologies and a system approach is key to success of Europe’s future energy union and the Green Deal. The Energy Efficiency community needs therefore to have a regular seat at the table.

This is not always the case.


Read the full article byMonica Frassoni in Euractiv.

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The water-energy nexus: connecting water saving, energy efficiency and the reduction of emissions.

Water and energy are probably two of the most essential, interlinked, and precious resources in our daily lives. In our current climate and energy crisis, unleashing the potential of the water-energy nexus will drive substantial water and energy savings, reducing emissions and increase the competitiveness of European industry, says Monica Frassoni in the Spring 2023 issue of European Energy Innovation Magazine.

The great thing is that we already have the technologies and solutions to simultaneously save water and energy.  A strong policy framework is needed to incentivise water and energy efficiency and enable the deployment at scale of these solutions. The water-energy nexus should be better reflected in legislation, and lawmakers should fully consider the benefits stemming from water efficiency as a key driver to delivering energy savings.


Read the full article byMonica Frassoni in European Energy Innovation Magazine. 

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Investing in energy efficiency: if not now when?

As the cheapest & cleanest energy is the one we don’t need, rapidly increasing energy savings is of outmost importance to address the current crises, says Monica Frassoni in Euractiv, ahead of the first edition of the European Energy Efficiency Day conference.

More than two hundred days have passed since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, starting a tragic conflict in Europe with no clear end in sight. The use of energy as a weapon by Vladimir Putin shows that by delaying plans for a clean energy transition the EU is more vulnerable and insecure.

While emergency plans are underway to respond to the crisis, skyrocketing prices of wholesale fossil gas and electricity pose a real challenge to struggling citizens and businesses and put at great risk the post-pandemic recovery.

Today, the pressing question everyone is asking is: how can we make it through the next winter and how can we reduce quickly energy prices? But the real question should be: how can we make it through the next four-five winters and burning summers, and at the same time accelerate carbon emissions reduction.

Because the cheapest and cleanest energy is the one we do not need, rapidly increasing energy savings is of outmost importance. By mainly focusing on diversification of gas supply many governments are underestimating the massive savings potential that is currently untapped at end-use and system levels via retrofitting, demand-side flexibility and by accelerating the digital transition.


Read the full article by Monica Frassoni on Euractiv

More information on Energy Efficiency Day here & Register here.

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