EU-ASE Welcomes the final approval of the EPBD

Today’s final approval of the EPBD by the Council marks an important step in the finalisation of the Green Deal. Despite the significant weakening of its original scope and ambition throughout the legislative process, this Directive demonstrates the continued commitment of the EU and its Member States to improving energy efficiency and sustainability in the buildings sector.

The revised EPBD introduces measures aimed at accelerating the transition to zero-emission buildings and improving the overall energy performance of the EU building stock. All new buildings in the EU will be required to be zero-emitting from 2030, with public buildings leading the way from 2028.

The final agreement does not include a mandate for harmonized energy performance certification across Member States, as originally proposed by the European Commission and supported by the European Parliament. Instead, each country will continue to use its own energy performance certificates (EPCs). While this is an unwelcome departure from the original harmonisation proposal, the agreement still underlines the importance of empowering consumers to make informed choices and incentivising energy-efficient investments.

Member States will have to renovate 16% of the worst performing buildings in the non-residential sector by 2030, rising to 26% by 2033. Member States have the flexibility to choose whether to achieve reductions in primary or final energy consumption. For the residential sector, Member States are required to set a national trajectory to reduce the average primary energy consumption of buildings by 16% by 2030 and by 20-22% by 2035. In particular, 55% of this reduction is expected to come from the renovation of the worst performing residential buildings. In addition, Member States have the flexibility to exempt certain categories of buildings, including historic and agricultural buildings, recognising their characteristics while ensuring that energy efficiency remains a priority.

Monica Frassoni, President of European Alliance to Save Energy, said: “While we welcome these achievements, especially in the current volatile and uncertain political and economic context, it is important to recognise the challenges that lie ahead. Swift and robust implementation of the revised EPBD will be critical to realising its full potential.”

Read the full press release here.


Media contact:
Luigi Petito 
Head of Secretariat 

About us
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) is a cross-sectoral, business-led organisation that ensures that the voice of energy efficiency is heard across Europe. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

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Solving Europe’s water challenges means getting it right on energy

From strict emergency measures being introduced in Catalonia, to memories of nuclear plants shutting down in France due to drought and low water supply, one thing is clear, and that is Europe’s water sector is under pressure, says Bonaldi da Costa of Danfoss in Foresight Climate and Energy.

Are we on the cusp of a water crisis in Europe or are we already in the midst of one?

Climate change-induced volatile weather patterns, in combination with poor water management and increased water demand in the agricultural, energy and industrial sectors have proven a lethal combination piling on additional stress to an increasingly strained supply.

But when it comes to water, the stakes are too high to ignore. On top of the social and health implications for local communities, failure to find a sustainable resolution to the water crisis is an issue which will undoubtedly jeopardise the EU’s competitiveness and ability to develop strategic sectors such as the hydrogen economy.

Yet in rethinking a European approach to our water challenges, we cannot forget to put a heavy emphasis on solving the closely interlinked energy issue. The mutual dependence between water and energy is clear to see: energy generation accounts for 44% of the EU’s water consumption, while the water sector accounts for around 3% of the EU’s total electricity demand. For comparison, that is a figure comfortably larger than Belgium’s electricity consumption.


Read the full article in Foresight Climate & Energy.


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Enhancing EU security & resilience via energy efficiency: 2023 in review

The EU-ASE 2023 Activity Report delves into the advocacy and outreach efforts of the European Alliance to Save Energy, aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in the EU’s energy policies and integrating the water-energy nexus into mainstream considerations.

2023 can be viewed as a continuation of the previous one, marked by escalating geopolitical issues and an energy crisis. Throughout the year, EU-ASE actively implemented its workplan by significantly contributing to energy efficiency debates and participating in ongoing negotiations on legislative dossiers.

We also organized the second edition of the European Energy Efficiency Day, bringing together high-profile speakers who contributed to discussions on energy efficiency in buildings, industrial ecosystems, and the electricity market. The event also delved into the skills agenda within the sector.

We continued our work on the implementation of a work programme which was structured around the main objectives of:

  • Boosting energy efficiency through EU policy and regulatory framework
  • Unleashing the energy savings potential of water efficiency in EU legislation
  • Smart, digital, and effective communication to achieve advocacy objectives

Read the full report here.

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IEA’s Energy Efficiency 2023 Report Seminar (EU-ASE & IEA event)

On Thursday, 14 December 2023, the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) alongside the International Energy Agency (IEA) hosted an event presenting the IEA’s Energy Efficiency 2023 report. 

Energy Efficiency 2023 serves as the IEA’s primary annual analysis on global developments in energy efficiency markets and policy. The report explores recent trends in energy intensity, demand, and efficiency-related investment, encompassing policy and technology aspects.

This is the tenth edition, and it includes new highlights, mostly focusing on key issues facing policymakers. Notably, the report outlines the proposed global target to double energy efficiency progress and articulates the potential gains from achieving this target.

Amidst the ongoing energy and climate crises, 2023’s global energy efficiency progress, as measured by primary energy intensity, is expected to be slightly below the long-term trend, signaling a slowdown from 2022. Despite this, the report highlights a deep transformation in energy efficiency and clean energy. Governments globally are introducing or reinforcing policies and energy-saving programs, leading to the faster deployment of efficient technologies. These efforts contribute to the expected peaking of fossil fuel demand in the coming years.

Read the full report here. 

Watch the full seminar right here or on the EU-ASE YouTube channel.


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EU-ASE welcomes agreement on EPBD despite its weakened ambition

Today, two years after its initial announcement, co-legislators have reached an agreement on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), a key piece of the Fit For 55 Package.  The political agreement on the EPBD is weaker than what is necessary to fully deliver Europe’s energy security and sustainable economic growth in the building sector. If approved and fully implemented via strong governance and a financial support framework it will still represent an important step for EU just transition.

e welcome the developments marking a pivotal step towards upgrading the efficiency of the buildings sector such as the further integration of digitalization within the EPBD. Embracing existing digital tools is essential for assessing and unlocking the full potential of actual energy performance in buildings. The reinforced provisions for technical building systems (TBS), including heating, built-in lighting, and building automation and control systems, are crucial in raising the energy efficiency level of our buildings.

Regrettably, the agreement on the EPBD misses out on setting an ambitious framework, as proposed by the European Commission and further improved by the European Parliament. The original proposal for Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), one of the main pillar of the EPBD, offered a powerful path to achieve higher energy classes for worst-performing buildings while harmonizing Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) among Member States. MEPS, as it stands in the political agreement reached today, leaves too much flexibility for Member States to achieve respectively 16% and 20-22% primary energy reduction targets of the overall energy consumption of the building stock by 2030 and 2035. This is a first step towards gradually scaling up the efforts for the entire building stock. A careful monitoring and guidance of the implementation of this centrepiece of the EBPD will be required to deliver the desired objectives. 

Another missed opportunity for the Union`s decarbonization efforts is delaying the phase out of fossil fuels in heating and cooling in buildings. The European Parliament`s step forward to end the use of fossil fuels in heating and cooling in buildings by 2035 was watered down and pushed back to 2040. Without a timely phase-out of fossil fuel boilers in buildings, the EU cannot achieve its 2050 goals. Member States and the EU are currently negotiating intensely to ensure that at COP28 there is a precise commitment to phase out fossil fuels. They need to be consistent with this commitment in EU legislation.

Despite the complexity to converge towards a more ambitious agreement, if correctly and swiftly implemented, the EPBD is capable of improving living conditions, reducing buildings` energy needs, saving billions of euros in energy costs enhancing the EU’s energy security, and boosting sustainable economic growth in the EU.

Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy, commenting on the political agreement, said: Even if the directive includes several positive provisions to improve the energy performance of the highly inefficient European building stock and the ultimate goal remains the full decarbonisation of EU buildings by 2050, we regret that minimum energy performance standards have been seriously weakened. The large flexibility and derogations conceded to governments could have been coupled with higher ambition, especially for residential buildings. If the building sector is not fully decarbonized in accordance with a clear plan and sufficient resources by 2050 it would be deleterious for citizens – especially those struggling with energy poverty – and for businesses for which the modernization of the building stock is a unique opportunity for new sustainable economic activities and job creation”.

The political agreement will need to be formalized in the next months. We count on co-legislators’ responsibility for this important final step. After, we must roll up our sleeves, walk the talk and turn our attention to deliver the full EPBD potential through robust institutional governance and private public-partnerships aimed to boost skills development, technological advances and work out innovative financing schemes. The EPBD can instigate renovations across Europe, all stakeholders will have to work together to push up the bar and increase the depth and rate of these renovations, make them cost-effective and valuable for citizens, businesses and the environment” said Quentin Galland, Chair of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE).


Read the full press release here.


Media contact:
Luigi Petito 
Head of Secretariat 

About us
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) is a cross-sectoral, business-led organisation that ensures that the voice of energy efficiency is heard across Europe. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

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