It is time to update our thinking about energy efficiency

“Energy efficiency becomes even more important as we shift to a renewables-based economy,” says Rasmus Abildgaard Kristensen of Danfoss ahead of the second edition of European Energy Efficiency Day 2023.

It is not magic, energy efficiency solutions are readily available right now.

The UNFCCC Global Stocktake report released in September 2023 emphasised the urgency of honouring the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5℃. We are simply not on track yet.

The good news is that it is possible to reach our climate goals, and we do not need magic to achieve them. We already have the technology and the solutions, but action is needed.

We need an increased focus on energy efficiency policy implementation to strengthen energy security and keep the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5℃ within reach. Energy efficiency is, and always should be, the “first fuel” for clean energy transitions.

We have the required technology available and it is by far the quickest and most cost-effective carbon mitigation option.

Read the full article in Foresight Climate & Energy.

More information on Energy Efficiency Day here & Register here.

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#ETtalksDrive Danfoss Together for energy efficiency, Monica Frassoni

At COP24 our president Monica Frassoni enjoyed a trip around Katowice in a Tesla thanks to the initiative #ETtalksdrive by our member Danfoss.

She talked about the strength of joint activities and how to create effective partnerships for energy efficiency by combining businesses, associations and NGOs with people with knowledge and willingness to act.

According to her, energy efficiency has been a “Cinderella” for years in the EU energy debate but this is finally changing.