The link between energy and water consumption across sectors has been so far widely neglected, despite the economic and environmental benefits it can bring to European citizens and businesses. Water and energy are interdependent and should be considered in all EU policies with the goals to make Europe’s waters more resilient, affordable and accessible, and to support Europe’s energy efficiency objectives.
Smart Water management across the water sector and across the industrial, commercial, and residential water cycles can lead to important energy savings. The key is in understanding the energy-water nexus and its ability to generate water and energy efficiencies.
The opportunity to tap into the potential of this nexus is present with existing technologies and thus it is ripe for policy-makers to accelerate European efforts toward a clean energy transition.
This paper highlights the views of a cross-sectoral alliance of businesses united by the shared vision that smart water management can generate energy and water efficiencies and be a driver for a cost-efficient, competitive and decarbonised economy. It also provides policy recommendations for the EU to accelerate this opportunity, which is right in front of us.