Greater Water Efficiency for a more Competitive and Sustainable Future

Water is a vital resource for Europe’s food, energy, and economic security. With increasing pressures from climate change, population growth, and industrial demands, water resources are under significant strain.

In her political guidelines and letters of mandate for the relevant designated Commissioners, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized the need for a European Water Resilience Strategy to address these challenges. This strategy is crucial for managing water resources sustainably, addressing scarcity, and enhancing Europe’s competitive edge through a circular
economy approach.

In our paper, we present eleven key recommendations for this Strategy to ensure a comprehensive and forward looking framework for water management.

Read here the paper.



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White Paper: Energy System Efficiency for Competitiveness and Security of Energy Supply

As Europe seeks to enhance its competitiveness and resilience while addressing climate and social goals, a transformative approach to energy has become more urgent than ever.

This white paper introduces Energy System Efficiency (ESE) as a critical pillar for ensuring energy security, affordability, and decarbonisation. A holistic focus on ESE will allow Europe to boost its industrial competitiveness, strengthen energy security, and lead the global effort against climate change.

Achieving Europe’s energy transition will require cooperation across sectors. Policymakers, industries, and civil society must collaborate to align legislation, investment strategies, technologies, infrastructure, and practices that will drive the future energy system. By adopting and implementing Energy System Efficiency, Europe can secure a sustainable, competitive, and carbon-neutral future by 2050, ensuring stronger energy security and a higher quality of life for all.

Read more in our White Paper: Energy System Efficiency for Competitiveness and Security of Energy Supply



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EU-ASE welcomes strong reference to ‘Efficiency first’ in Energy System Integration Strategy, calls for limited role of green hydrogen in hard-to-decarbonise sectors

Brussels, 8 July 2020 – Today the European Commission presented its proposals for the EU strategies for energy system integration and hydrogen.

The Energy System Integration Strategy sets out a vision on how to accelerate the transition towards a more integrated energy strategy, supporting full decarbonisation at the least cost across sectors.

The proposal puts first a more “circular” energy system, with energy efficiency at its core. Moreover, the Strategy calls for the application of the energy efficiency first principle consistently across the whole energy system, including through further measures to reflect the life cycle energy use and GHG footprint of the different energy carriers to be able to make an accurate comparison between demand and supply-side solutions. The Commission will issue guidance to Member States to make the efficiency first principle operational across the energy system, by 2021, and promote it in future methodologies and legislative revisions.

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) welcomes this proposal and is glad that it highlights the importance of mainstreaming energy efficiency first across the energy system.

We are pleased by the Strategy’s strong reference to energy efficiency as a key enabler of the decarbonisation of Europe’s energy system”, said EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni. “We also welcome the suggested actions to better enshrine efficiency first, and the commitment to further promote this principle in the TEN-E revision.” “Regarding hydrogen”, Ms Frassoni added, “we would like to stress that while green hydrogen could play a role in hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as primary industry and heavy-road transport, for buildings, there are more cost-effective and ready-to-use solutions”. “In this light, technologies for direct electrification are already available and their deployment should be accelerated,” Ms Frassoni concluded.

More information on EU-ASE position on Energy System Integration can be found here

About EU-ASE
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) was established in December 2010 by some of Europe’s leading multinational companies. The Alliance creates a platform from which companies can ensure that the voice of energy efficiency is heard from across the business and political community. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

Media contact:
Matteo Guidi
+32 493 37 21 42

Download the press release here (PDF)

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