EU-ASE at Conferenza nazionale sul clima 2020 (Italy)

On 13 October EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni participated in the institutional session of the Conferenza nazionale sul clima 2020 – Una roadmap climatica per l’Italia, hosted by Italy For Climate.
During this high-level online conference, starting from the proposal of an Italian Roadmap for Climate elaborated by Italy for Climate, panelists discussed the contribution of the different economic sectors and the measures needed to align Italy’s recovery plan with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
Speakers included European Commission Director General of DG Climate Mauro Petriccione, Italian Minister of Environment Sergio Costa, Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies Francesco Boccia and Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Riccardo Fraccaro.
In her intervention, Monica Frassoni discussed the benefits of energy efficiency for Italian’s recovery and the necessary steps at European and national level to foster energy efficiency as a key element to achieve climate neutrality.