Meet the Energy Efficiency Ecosystem



This infographic showcases the economic impact of the energy efficiency industrial ecosystem in the European Union.

The data highlight annual turnover, employment figures, and patent ownership, demonstrating the significant contribution that energy-efficient industries provide to the European economy. 

As the Clean Industrial Deal takes shape, recognizing the scale of this ecosystem is key. Energy-efficient industries play a crucial role in driving economic growth, creating jobs, fostering innovation, and increasing Europe’s industrial competitiveness while advancing sustainability.


Download here the infographic.

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Greater Water Efficiency for a more Competitive and Sustainable Future

Water is a vital resource for Europe’s food, energy, and economic security. With increasing pressures from climate change, population growth, and industrial demands, water resources are under significant strain.

In her political guidelines and letters of mandate for the relevant designated Commissioners, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized the need for a European Water Resilience Strategy to address these challenges. This strategy is crucial for managing water resources sustainably, addressing scarcity, and enhancing Europe’s competitive edge through a circular
economy approach.

In our paper, we present eleven key recommendations for this Strategy to ensure a comprehensive and forward looking framework for water management.

Read here the paper.



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White Paper: Energy System Efficiency for Competitiveness and Security of Energy Supply

As Europe seeks to enhance its competitiveness and resilience while addressing climate and social goals, a transformative approach to energy has become more urgent than ever.

This white paper introduces Energy System Efficiency (ESE) as a critical pillar for ensuring energy security, affordability, and decarbonisation. A holistic focus on ESE will allow Europe to boost its industrial competitiveness, strengthen energy security, and lead the global effort against climate change.

Achieving Europe’s energy transition will require cooperation across sectors. Policymakers, industries, and civil society must collaborate to align legislation, investment strategies, technologies, infrastructure, and practices that will drive the future energy system. By adopting and implementing Energy System Efficiency, Europe can secure a sustainable, competitive, and carbon-neutral future by 2050, ensuring stronger energy security and a higher quality of life for all.

Read more in our White Paper: Energy System Efficiency for Competitiveness and Security of Energy Supply



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EU-ASE Welcomes the final approval of the EPBD

Today’s final approval of the EPBD by the Council marks an important step in the finalisation of the Green Deal. Despite the significant weakening of its original scope and ambition throughout the legislative process, this Directive demonstrates the continued commitment of the EU and its Member States to improving energy efficiency and sustainability in the buildings sector.

The revised EPBD introduces measures aimed at accelerating the transition to zero-emission buildings and improving the overall energy performance of the EU building stock. All new buildings in the EU will be required to be zero-emitting from 2030, with public buildings leading the way from 2028.

The final agreement does not include a mandate for harmonized energy performance certification across Member States, as originally proposed by the European Commission and supported by the European Parliament. Instead, each country will continue to use its own energy performance certificates (EPCs). While this is an unwelcome departure from the original harmonisation proposal, the agreement still underlines the importance of empowering consumers to make informed choices and incentivising energy-efficient investments.

Member States will have to renovate 16% of the worst performing buildings in the non-residential sector by 2030, rising to 26% by 2033. Member States have the flexibility to choose whether to achieve reductions in primary or final energy consumption. For the residential sector, Member States are required to set a national trajectory to reduce the average primary energy consumption of buildings by 16% by 2030 and by 20-22% by 2035. In particular, 55% of this reduction is expected to come from the renovation of the worst performing residential buildings. In addition, Member States have the flexibility to exempt certain categories of buildings, including historic and agricultural buildings, recognising their characteristics while ensuring that energy efficiency remains a priority.

Monica Frassoni, President of European Alliance to Save Energy, said: “While we welcome these achievements, especially in the current volatile and uncertain political and economic context, it is important to recognise the challenges that lie ahead. Swift and robust implementation of the revised EPBD will be critical to realising its full potential.”

Read the full press release here.


Media contact:
Luigi Petito 
Head of Secretariat 

About us
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) is a cross-sectoral, business-led organisation that ensures that the voice of energy efficiency is heard across Europe. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

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EU-ASE Manifesto 2024 – 2029: Prioritizing energy system efficiency for a sustainable and competitive Europe

As we approach the European Election in June 2024, we stand at a critical juncture. The decisions made by the next European Parliament and Commission will profoundly shape the trajectory of the European Green Deal.  

After the completion of the Fit For 55 legislation package, the challenge is now to implement it effectively to significantly contribute to our climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

At the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), we believe that a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 hinges upon substantially reducing our energy need and prioritizing energy system efficiency as the cornerstone of our transition to a sustainable energy landscape characterized by the synergic combination between energy efficiency solutions, renewable energy sources and demand side flexibility.

An energy system efficiency approach connecting buildings, mobility, industrial ecosystems and renewable energy supply is the most beneficial and cost-effective way to promptly phase out fossil fuels and achieve the EU’s 2030, 2040, and 2050 climate goals. Embracing energy system efficiency will unlock multiple benefits for the European Union:

  • Lowering energy bills for citizens and operational costs for businesses, enhancing economic well-being while preserving natural resources and avoiding conflicts.
  • Shielding against future energy crises, price volatility and social unrest, ensuring a stable energy supply and bolstering security for citizens and businesses.
  • Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to renewables by reducing overall energy demand and optimizing consumption.

We call upon the newly elected Members of the European Parliament and the new European Commission to undertake 5 actions.

Read more in our Manifesto 2024-2029: Prioritizing Energy System Efficiency for a Competitive and Sustainable Europe



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