EU-ASE appoints its new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

As of January 2023, European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) has appointed Quentin Galland as new Chairperson and renewed the mandate of Bonnie Brook as Vice-Chairperson.

Quentin Galland is Group Public & Regulatory Affairs Director at Knauf Insulation. He is a driven, collaborative and business-focused senior public affairs professional, with a passion for sustainability and energy efficiency related topics.

Bonnie Brook is Vice-President of Industry Affairs at Siemens Smart Infrastructure. She is a vibrant and engaged industry advocate for innovation in buildings to increase comfort and productivity, reduce impact on the environment and improve property value.  

Both Quentin and Bonnie bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge, coming from leader businesses in the energy efficiency world. The whole EU-ASE team warmly congratulates them for their appointment and looks forward to working together in their term.

Monica Frassoni, President of EU-ASE, said: “The urgency of the climate crisis cannot be ignored. While the energy transition is paved with many challenges, we look forward to continue working together with our business and thought leaders towards an energy efficient Europe. I welcome the appointment of Quentin and Bonnie and I am confident that they will greatly help the Alliance in its work in the years to come, starting from a busy 2023.” 

Quentin Galland said: “It has never been a greater time for Europe to save energy. Global challenges are opening up opportunities for the energy community to seize, starting with putting energy efficiency at the heart of the political agenda. I am convinced that the Alliance will be a driving and paramount contributor to high-level discussions and important decisions for all citizens.”

Bonnie Brook said: “System energy efficiency is key in achieving the EU decarbonization goals. We need the political will in the Fit for 55 legislation, subsequent accelerated implementation with vast participation and effective collaboration of all stakeholders.”

The newly appointed Chair and Vice-chair will stay in charge for the next three years, as per the internal rules of the Alliance.

More information about EU-ASE management here.


About us

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) is a cross-sectoral, business-led organisation that ensures that the voice of energy efficiency is heard across Europe. EU-ASE members have operations across the 27 Member States of the European Union, employ over 340.000 people in Europe and have an aggregated annual turnover of €115 billion.

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Telling the energy efficiency story – 2022 in review

The energy crisis and price hikes exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine put a lot of pressure on governments, citizens and businesses, who were still recovering from the pandemic shock. 

In this context, in 2022, the Alliance threw its weight behind demonstrating to EU decision makers that existing energy efficiency solutions are key to address the energy crisis and reach climate neutrality globally.

We continued our work on the implementation of a work programme which involved all our members and was structured around four main objectives:

• Energy efficiency boosted by policy and regulatory framework
• Unleashing the energy savings potential of water efficiency in EU legislation
• Financing energy efficiency
• Smart, digital and effective communication to achieve advocacy objective

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Step up political leadership on energy demand reduction

It’s four months since European Leaders agreed to reduce their countries’ gas demand by 15% [1], and two months since they agreed on a similar target for electricity demand (10% total reduction, with 5% during peak hours [2]). And it’s now the time to ensure the delivery of these targets.

As the pressure on European citizens and industries from high energy prices persists, the delivery of those targets becomes more than ever a matter of political leadership. Gas supplies from Russia are likely to fall next year while competition for liquified natural gas (LNG) supplies increases. Filling in gas storage ahead of next year’s winter might prove far more challenging [3]. We need a long-term solution.

The only option left is to act on the energy demand side. Reducing energy consumption would come with three substantial benefits. First, a permanent improvement to energy security. Second, lower carbon emissions. And finally, a shift in the state budgets, from short-term relief funds to capital investment on assets like better building stock and modern industrial processes.

Now is the time for leaders to use all the tools at their disposal to enable a substantial and sustained reduction of energy consumption. This includes setting up an industrial strategy and designing ambitious regulations. But it also requires galvanising efforts around skills and technical support in sectors where it is most chronically needed, like buildings retrofit and electrification. Next year is the European Year of Skills and offers a great opportunity to do so [4].

For the buildings sector, there are ample examples of good practices of investment in skills and advisory services like one stop shops [5]. Member States, industry and social partners can share and scale them to reduce energy consumption in buildings across the EU. But the industry needs more than incentives for innovation and public investments. Above all it needs a clear signal about the direction of travel. It is up for political leaders to do this through ambitious regulations, like minimum energy performance standards [6], while encouraging the sector to embrace modernisation and digitalisation.

This is the time for European leaders, social partners, and private sector stakeholders to think strategically about the practical delivery of energy saving targets as they pave the way towards green and digital transitions. 

Vilislava Ivanova
Senior Researcher

1. European Council (2022). Member states commit to reducing gas demand by 15% next winter
2. European Council (2022). Council agrees on emergency measures to reduce energy prices
3. IEA (2022). Europe needs to take immediate action to avoid risk of natural gas shortage next year 4. EC (2022). Commission kick-starts work on the European Year of Skills
5. Renovate Europe (2022). Speeding up the delivery of renovation – skills
6. E3G (2022). High Minimum Energy Performance Standards for buildings

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EU-ASE at event: The transition plans – beyond sustainable finance?

On Wednesday 30 November 2022, EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at an event by ERCST titled: The transition plans – beyond sustainable finance?

 The idea of presenting a transition plan – i.e., ensuring that the business model and strategy of the undertaking are compatible with the transition to a sustainable economy and with the limiting of global warming to 1.5 °C, in line with the Paris Agreement – will soon turn into a concrete legal obligation. It is mandated by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and contemplated in other pieces of European sustainable finance legislation: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the EU Green Bonds Standard. But this kind of requirement expands beyond the sustainable finance realm. For example, the European Parliament wants to reduce the amount of ETS free allocations for companies not having a decarbonisation plan or failing to meet their milestones.

However, it remains unclear how to turn those very forward-looking and complex commitments into real change by individual companies throughout the various business models.

The event aims at identifying the objective, scope, and challenges in addressing the requirement of presenting transition plans in and beyond the EU corporate sustainability framework.

Hosted by the European Roundable on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ERCST), this hybrid event took plance online and in person.

View the full agenda here.
View the full ERCST presentation here.

Find more information about the event here.


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EU-ASE at Powering our buildings: how policies can support energy efficiency through building electrification

On Thursday 24 November 2022, EU-ASE participated in “Powering our buildings: how policies can support energy efficiency through building electrification”.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni spoke at the launch of a new study by FIRE Federazione Italiana per l’uso Razionale dell’Energia and the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy Foundation (IEECP), discussing the challenges we face to electrify, decarbonise and strengthen the EU energy system.

View the full agenda here.

Find more information about the study here.


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