27 September 2021 | Events, Latest Activities
On 20 September, the president of the European Alliance to Save Energy, Monica Frassoni, participated in the high-level webinar “Il tempo del clima. La sfida di COP26”, organised by Aspen Institute Italia and Edison.
Speakers included: Enrico Giovannini, Italian Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility; Nicola Monti, Ceo Edison; Jill Morris, British Ambassador to Italy and San Marino; and David Livingston, Senior Advisor on Climate, US Department of State.
The recording of the panel can be found here.
30 June 2021 | Events, Latest Activities
On 29 June 2021, EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni took part in the panel discussion Envisioning the Sustainable Built Environment of Tomorrow – Creating Momentum for the EU Renovation Wave, at the World Climate Forum Europe 2021.
The event, hosted by the World Climate Foundation, gathered senior policymakers and high-level public and private actors from around the world to spur action-oriented discussions on advancing net-zero targets across all sectors as well as accelerate the green recovery and adaptation ahead of the COP26.
Read excerpts from Monica Frassoni’s intervention