BPIE: On the way to a climate-neutral Europe – Contributions from the building sector
Europe needs to reach a minimum 3% annual deep renovation rate to achieve a strengthened GHG reduction target and a boost for renewable heating and cooling.
Achieving a higher 2030 climate target requires intensified action in the building sector, according to a new analysis from BPIE – the Buildings Performance Institute Europe.
BPIE’s study demonstrates that deep renovation should increase to minimum 3% per year until 2030 to deliver the desired GHG reduction. This is in contradiction to the European Commission’s goal to double the annual overall energy renovation rate of 1%, as cited in its Renovation Wave.
The current deep renovation rate of 0.2%/a needs to grow by at least a factor 10 to 2% and should approach 3% as quickly as possible. The report describes how the share of fossil fuels in the energy mix in 2030 will decrease by 57% compared to 2015, while the renewable heat and electricity share will grow to 53% of the final energy demand.
This transformation will be possible with effective policies and support instruments. The Renovation Wave is opening the way to measures that will transform the building sector, but the implementation of policies and support instruments must become faster and more ambitious.