EE Global Forum 2021: Building Back Brighter

The numerous challenges and obstacles over the past year showcase that more than ever, the time is now to prioritise energy efficiency in our recovery plans. We are excited to partner with the Alliance to Save Energy for its EE Global Forum 2021 on May 4.

Every year, the Energy Efficiency Global Forum brings together the world’s leaders in energy efficiency to discuss pressing industry issues, identify emerging trends, and connect with peers from dozens of countries around the globe.

With the opportunity to accelerate economic recovery by investing in efficiency and creating an energy system that is more clean, equitable, and productive, this year’s Forum will focus on Building Back Brighter.

Register now for the May 4 virtual event.


EU-ASE at Climate Week NYC 2020: A Solution Set for Complex Challenges

On 23 September EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni participated in this Climate Week NYC webinar, hosted by the EE Global Alliance and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy.

During the event, leaders from the private, public, and non-profit sectors explored how clean energy and energy efficiency technologies and expertise can help meet the trio of challenges posed by COVID-19, economic recovery and climate change. Strategic deployment of this “solution set” will deliver significant gains in emissions reductions, improved community resilience, human health and safety, and the creation of new jobs and a more sustainable economy.

Attendees heard key takeaways from the special Economic Recovery edition of the EE Magazine, published by AOB Group and the EE Global Alliance, launched the same day of the event.

  • During the first session, the authors, including Monica Frassoni, discussed the key takeaways from their articles, focusing on energy efficiency’s role in economic recovery across the globe.
  • During the second session, clean energy executives discussed how to tackle these challenges vis-à-vis the deployment of clean energy solutions, smart public policy and project design, and strategic deployment of procurement, finance, and technologies.

View a recording of the launch webinar here.

Click here to read the EU-ASE article in the EE Magazine Special Edition on EE and Economic Recovery.

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EU-ASE at EE Global 2020 – Global Energy Efficiency Indicator Study Release

On 29 April, EU-ASE president Monica Frassoni spoke at the first in the EE Global 2020 webinar series which focused on the results of Johnson Controls’ 2019 Global Energy Efficiency Indicator survey. The survey tracks current and planned investments, key drivers, and organizational barriers to improving energy efficiency in facilities.

Monica Frassoni provided the European perspective on the survey and contributed to the discussion on how the results can inform the EE community’s actions to accelerate national and global economic recovery.

Among the panellists were Clay Nesler of the Alliance to Save Energy, Jeff Eckel of Hannon Armstrong, Joyce Henry of Natural Resources Canada, and He Ping of Energy Foundation China.


The recording of the webinar is available here

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