“The future ahead of us is a transition towards a climate neutral economy. Yesterday, the European Council missed the opportunity to sign off an EU climate neutrality commitment by 2050 despite a large majority of 24 Member States now backing net-zero emissions by 2050. We should build on this group of progressive countries and convince the remaining Member States that the transition is the best economic choice for Europe, whereas the cost of inaction would be unbearably high. Moving forward, we must link the climate neutrality commitment more closely to the EU budget discussion, so that we prioritize investments in energy efficiency to halve the demand of energy in the EU by 2050, and move towards 100% renewable energy generation. The EU budget is the most suitable collective tool to make this long-term transformation happen. In a just and ordered transition that leaves no-one behind in the shift to a zero-emission society, EU public resources will attract the necessary private investments to make the European economy more innovative and competitive.”
Monica Frassoni, President, European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)