Online workshop: Shaping the decade of building renovations


  • Prof. Dr. Diana Urge Vorsatz, Vice Chair of WG III of the IPCC, Central European University
  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Deputy Director-General, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Sean Kelly, Member of the European Parliament
  • Iskra Mihaylova, Member of the European Parliament
  • Antoine Caron, Deputy Head of Department, Department for quality and sustainable development in construction, Directorate for Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes, French Ministry for Ecological Transition
  • Monica Frassoni, President, European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)

EU-ASE is hosting an online workshop on Friday 28 January to talk about the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Three objectives must take priority: increasing energy efficiency, reducing emissions and lowering energy prices.

The European Commission presented its much awaited proposal to revise of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) in December 2021, the last piece of the legislative package ‘Fit for 55’ to put the Union on track towards climate neutrality.

Buildings are a central aspect of our daily lives, as we spend most of our time indoors. But 75% of buildings in the European Union are not energy efficient, which poses problems to reduce emissions, and many of them will still be standing by 2050. Wasting energy not only has dire consequences for the environment, it also means higher energy bills for citizens and businesses.

The revision of the EPBD proposed by the European Commission acknowledges these challenges and offers a good direction, but more actions are needed to trigger a renovation wave for the EU building stock to be energy efficient.

The high-level event, organised by the European Alliance to Save Energy, is an exchange of views on how to increase energy efficiency and decarbonise buildings while boosting economic growth and create job opportunities.

Watch the recording here

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How to fully exploit the potential of the water-energy nexus for energy efficiency

On the 27th of October EU-ASE hosted an online policy session “Fully exploiting the water-energy nexus” organised together with Water Europe at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2021.

EU-ASE President Monica Frassoni moderated the panel composed of Claudia Canevari (DG Ener), MEP Eleonora Evi (European Parliament), Oriana Romano (OECD) and Durk Krol (Water Europe). The speakers discussed how the water sector and water smart-management can lead to energy savings across industrial, commercial and residential water cycles. They also debated the data and methodologies to calculate such savings, with a view to leveraging Art 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.

The recording of the event is available here.
The slides used during the presentation can be found here.

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EU-ASE at CAN Europe’s high level event on Fit for 55

On 14 October, the president of the European Alliance to Save Energy, Monica Frassoni, participated in the high-level event “Accelerating climate action in the EU and Member States through the Fit for 55 package and National Planning Processes”, organised by Climate Action Network Europe.

Monica Frassoni took the floor during the first panel discussion “Enhancing EU’s climate ambition through the Fit for 55 package”. Speakers included Diederik Samsom, Head of Cabinet of European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans; Ursula Woodburn, Corporate Leaders Group Europe; Benjamin Denis, IndustriAll Europe; Marcin Kowalczyk, WWF Poland and Wendel Trio, CAN Europe.

The recording of the panel can be found here.

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Smart technologies for energy-efficient, decarbonised and more comfortable buildings

On 14 October, EU-ASE, together with eu.bac and LightingEurope organised a webinar on the review of the Energy Performance Of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the role of smart technologies to make EU building stock energy-efficient, decarbonised and more comfortable.

Most of the potential of digitalisation is still unexploited in buildings. The revision of the EPBD creates a unique opportunity to deploy a broad range of energy-efficient and smart technologies, from Artificial Intelligence, to Building Automation and Control Systems or smart lighting, among many other solutions.

The recording of the event is available here
The slides used during the presentation can be found here
The result of the polls here

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EU-ASE at high-level launch of Energy Efficiency First Guidelines

The president of the European Alliance to Save Energy, Monica Frassoni spoke at the high-level event “Recommendation and Guidelines on Energy Efficiency First: From principles to practice” organised by the European Commission’s DG ENER and CINEA on 28 September for the launch of its Guidelines on the Energy Efficiency first principle. 

In her intervention, Monica Frassoni called on the Commission to lead by example and apply the principle to their policy and regulatory work, starting from the forthcoming Energy Performance of Buildings Directive proposal. She also stressed the need for stronger integration of the water-energy nexus in the EU legislative framework. 

The event gathered stakeholders from both the energy and energy end-use sectors and from sustainable finance. The guidelines aim to support the implementation of the Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle in decision-making in the energy sector and beyond.  

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